Garcia Alcega, SoniaCoulon, FredericTyrrel, Sean2024-06-042024-06-042017-04-21Garcia Alcega, Sonia; Coulon, Frederic; Tyrrel, Sean (2017). Rapid Monitoring of Bioaerosols from industrial, rural and urban environments. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Poster.•Sampling at constant flow rate and varying sampling time: - does not affect in presence/absence of MVOCs (70% similarity) - There is large difference in abundance (ng.m-3), (20% similarity). • Sampling at different flow rates and varying sampling time affects both peak detection and concentration.CC BY 4.0bioaerosol monitoring system''Bioaerosols''bioaerosol exposures''Atmospheric Aerosols'Rapid Monitoring of Bioaerosols from industrial, rural and urban environmentsPoster10.17862/cranfield.rd.4898153