Culleton, Lucy P.di Meane, Elena AmicoWard, Michael K. M.Ferracci, ValerioPersijn, StefanHolmqvist, AlbinArrhenius, KarineMurugan, ArulBrewer, Paul J.2022-11-142022-11-142022-10-27Culleton LP, di Meane EA, Ward MK, et al., (2022) Characterization of Fourier transform infrared, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, and optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy instruments for the analysis of ammonia in biogas and biomethane. Analytical Chemistry, Volume 94, Issue 44, November 2022, pp. 15207-152140003-2700 traceable analytical methods and reference gas standards were developed for the detection of trace-level ammonia in biogas and biomethane. This work focused on an ammonia amount fraction at an upper limit level of 10 mg m–3 (corresponding to approximately 14 μmol mol–1) specified in EN 16723-1:2016. The application of spectroscopic analytical methods, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, and optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy, was investigated. These techniques all exhibited the necessary ammonia sensitivity at the required 14 μmol mol–1 amount fraction. A 29-month stability study of reference gas mixtures of 10 μmol mol–1 ammonia in methane and synthetic biogas is also reported.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalAbsorptionAbsorption spectroscopyFourier transform infrared spectroscopyMixturesStabilityCharacterization of Fourier transform infrared, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, and optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy instruments for the analysis of ammonia in biogas and biomethaneArticle