Liu, XiaoleiLao, LiyunFalcone, Gioia2020-05-072020-05-072020-04-17Liu X, Lao Y, Falcone G. (2020) A comprehensive assessment of correlations for two-phase flow through Venturi tubes. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 78, June 2020, Article number 1033231875-5100 objective of this study is to comprehensively evaluate established correlations for two-phase (gas-liquid) flow through Venturi tubes. Two-phase flow metering plays a critical role in the oil and gas industry and several commercial metering solutions incorporate a Venturi. However, despite its significance, there is no widely accepted standard for two-phase flow metering applications. In this paper, sixteen differential pressure correlations are critically assessed from literature and international standards, focusing on the Venturi tube. The discussions are supported by an independent dataset obtained from a two-phase flow test rig with an installed Venturi tube (following ISO 5167-4 2005) to assess correlations' performance within their own respective application range. The wide literature review and the obtained comparison results trended to inform that the homogeneous model performs better in most scenarios.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCorrelation performanceTwo-phase flow meteringVenturi tubeA comprehensive assessment of correlations for two-phase flow through Venturi tubesArticle