Cui, HaoYasaee, Mehdi2024-06-032024-06-032018-06-18Cui, Hao; Yasaee, Mehdi (2018). Data for the paper "Inter-fibre failure of through-thickness reinforced laminates...". Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. used in the paper " Hao Cui, Antonio R. Melro, Mehdi Yasaee, Inter-fibre failure of through-thickness reinforced laminates in combined transverse compression and shear load, Composites Science and Technology, 2018 "CC0Through-thickness reinforcement''inter-fibre failue''quasi-static''fracture''Z-pinning''Aerospace Materials''Composite and Hybrid Materials''Mechanical Engineering'Data for the paper "Inter-fibre failure of through-thickness reinforced laminates..."Dataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.6548774