Hanak, Dawid P.Manovic, VasilijeWei, Xiaoyu2024-03-282024-03-282021-01https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/21106Manovic, Vasilije - Associate SupervisorTo meet the global target for lowering greenhouse gas emissions and preventing climate change, the power sector has to be decarbonised by 2050. Since coal is projected to play a critical role in the future energy portfolio, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has taken on the role of decarbonisation. To find the ways potentially improve defects of the state-of-art oxy-fuel combustion power plant regarding worse techno-economic performance, the oxy-fuel combustion power plant coupling with recuperated supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO₂) cycle has the potential to surpass the state- of-art oxy-fuel combustion power plant. Its net electricity efficiency and levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) is 29.73% and 97.7 €/MWelh, respectively, at operating conditions of 593°C and 240 bar. Further study of chemical looping combustion (CLC) power plant with recompression sCO₂ power cycle achieved 35.49% of net electricity efficiency and 96.8 €/MWelh of LCOE for the manganese ore as the natural oxygen carrier. Conversely, an LCOE of 109.2 €/MWelh was obtained owing to selecting the manufactured oxygen carrier of nickel oxide. Particularly worth mentioning is the excellent decarbonisation ability by fuelling the biomass in the two processes with -1255 gCO₂/kWelh and - 1066 gCO₂/kWelh (Mn₃O₄ case) of specific carbon dioxide (CO₂) emission, respectively. However, it showed significantly higher LCOE with around 2.3%HHV and 3.8%HHV (Mn₃O₄ case) of net efficiency penalty, respectively, compared with the coal-fuelled cases. In the emission trading system with the uncertainty of carbon tax, the two processes fuelled by biomass have the potential to achieve lower costs than the coal-fuelled cases. Finally, the probability assessment is conducted in the proposed cases, showing a higher cumulative probability of LCOE in the coal-fuelled CLC case than in the oxy- coal case. Hence, this study revealed that technologies of CLC and the sCO₂ power cycle have the potential to improve the techno-economic performance of the state-of-art oxy-fuel combustion technology.en-UK© Cranfield University, 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.Oxy-fuel combustionchemical looping combustionsupercritical CO₂ power cycletechno-economic assessmentprobabilistic analysisEvaluation of improvements on techno-economic performance of a supercritical oxy-fuel combustion power plant.Thesis or dissertation