McCloskey, Christopher S.Otten, WilfredPaterson, EricKirk, Guy J. D.2021-11-182021-11-182021-09-24McCloskey CS, Otten W, Paterson E, Kirk GJ. (2021) On allowing for transient variation in end member δ13C values in partitioning soil C fluxes from net ecosystem respiration. European Journal of Soil Science, Volume 72, Issue 6, November 2021, pp. 2343-23551351-0754 use of stable isotope analysis to resolve ecosystem respiration into its plant and soil components rests on how well the end-member isotope signatures (δ13C) are characterised. In general, it is assumed that end-member values are constant over time. However, there are necessarily diurnal and other transient variations in end-members with environmental conditions. We analyse diurnal and seasonal patterns of ecosystem respiration and its δ13C in a C4 grass growing in a C3 soil using fixed and diurnally varying plant and soil δ13C end-members. We measure the end-members independently, and we assess the effects of expected variation in values. We show that variation in end-members within realistic ranges, particularly diurnal changes in the plant end-member, can cause partitioning errors of 40% during periods of high plant growth. The effect depends on how close the end-member is to the measured net respiration δ13C, that is, the proportion of the respiration due to that end-member. We show light-driven variation in plant end-members can cause substantial distortion of partitioned soil organic matter (SOM) flux patterns on a diurnal scale and cause underestimation of daily to annual SOM turnover of approximately 25%. We conclude that, while it is not practicable to independently measure the full temporal variation in end-member values over a growing season, this error may be adjusted for by using a diurnally varying δ13Cplant.enAttribution 4.0 InternationalC3 and C4 photosynthesisecosystem respirationisotopic flux partitioningnatural abundancerhizosphere priming effectsoil carbonOn allowing for transient variation in end-member δ13C values in partitioning soil C fluxes from net ecosystem respirationArticle