Bond, AngelaPilbeam, ColinTurner, Neil2017-11-132017-12-182017-09-07Bond A, Pilbeam C, Turner N, Conducting a practice-based study in a novel context: methodological challenges, Proceedings of British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2017, 5-7 September 2017, Warwick Business School, UK methodological issue addressed in this paper is how to conduct a practice-based study in a novel context. We present and build on Korica, Nicolini and Johnson's (2015) proposal to explore managerial work from a practice perspective, and to understand the implications of temporary organisation for management practice (Bakker et al., 2016). We present an argument for using Schatzki’s (2002) site ontology and summarise the key features that are relevant to, and being applied in, a current empirical study. Using the study as an illustration we discuss the methodological implications of a practice-based study and conclude with recommendations for research.enPublished by British Academy of Management. Made available with permission from BAM. Please refer to any applicable publisher terms of use.Social practiceSite ontologyManagerial workTemporary organisationConducting a practice-based study in a novel context: Methodological challengesConference paper