Galante, ErickMai, NathalieLadyman, MelissaGill, PhilipTemple, Tracey2024-06-092024-06-092018-03-15Galante, Erick; Mai, Nathalie; Ladyman, Melissa; Gill, Philip; Temple, Tracey (2018). NTO behaviour during laboratory-scale low confinement test. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Media. recorded during a laboratory-scaled explosiveness test, in which a 20mg sample of NTO was heated (43ÂșC/min) within a sealed 10mL headspace vialCC BY 4.0'laboratory-scaled explosiveness test''NTO''Chemical Characterisation of Materials'NTO behaviour during laboratory-scale low confinement testMedia10.17862/cranfield.rd.5987041