Erkoyuncu, John AhmetRoy, RajkumarShehab, EssamWardle, P.Rajkumar RoyEssam Shehab2009-10-192009-10-1920092009-04-01J. A. Erkoyuncu, R. Roy, E. Shehab, P. Wardle, Uncertainty challenges in service cost estimation for product- service systems in the aerospace and defence industries, Proceedings of the 1st CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2) Conference, Cranfield University, 1-2 April 2009, pp200978-0-9557436-5-8 by: Cranfield UniversityContracting for availability is expected to become more prevalent for product -service systems (PSS) in the aerospace and defence industries. These contracts tend to transfer responsibilities for the operational phase from the customer to the supplier. In parallel, with operational life spans spanning several decades, the ability to deal with uncertainty in cost estimation for support activities is becoming critical. This paper outlines challenges within this process derived from literature as well as issues that were highlighted during interviews with four major defence and aerospace organisations.enCopyright: Cranfield University 2009Product Service Systemsuncertaintycost estimationserviceUncertainty challenges in service cost estimation for product- service systems in the aerospace and defence industriesConference paper