Parry, Emma2013-02-152013-02-152011-05-01Emma Parry, An examination of e-HRM as a means to increase the value of the HR function, The International Journal of Human Resource Management Volume 22, Issue 5, 2011, 1146–1162.0958-5192 article examines the potential use of e-human resource management (e-HRM) as ameans to increase the value of the human resources (HR) function, within theframework of the resource-based view. Past research has suggested that e-HRM maysupport the HR function in becoming more efficient, improving service delivery andadopting a greater role in delivering the firm's business strategy. The results from alarge-scale survey across 12 countries showed that e-HRM may help HR to increase itsvalue by becoming more strategic, but found no evidence of cost savings due toreductions in HR headcount. This suggests that organisations are using e-HRM in orderto redeploy HR practitioners from transactional work to more strategic and value-addedactivities.en-UKAn examination of e-HRM as a means to increase the value of the HR functionArticle