Frazer, Gareth2024-05-052024-05-052018-11-19Frazer, Gareth (2018). Simulations of Repeat Jamming Against Anti-ship Missile Seekers Which Use Doppler Beam Sharpening Modes. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Poster. presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS) provides a computationally efficient way of improving the cross-range resolution of a radar by using the Doppler domain to resolve targets rather than just using the real beam of the radar. Missile seekers are becoming increasingly more capable of using DBS to home onto targets and this gives rise to the need to jam such systems. This paper presents a set of initial simulations that show how a jammer can interfere with a DBS image. The effects and implications of velocity estimation errors in the jamming module are discussed with respect to a practical implementation of the jammer on a low-cost transceiver.CC BY-NC 4.0'Doppler bean sharpening''Radar jamming''DSDS18 poster''DSDS18''Defence Studies''Image Processing'Simulations of Repeat Jamming Against Anti-ship Missile Seekers Which Use Doppler Beam Sharpening ModesPoster10.17862/cranfield.rd.7358966.v1