McGee, ChristineStennett, ChristopherClements, JimVrcelj, Ranko2022-07-122022-07-122022-06-22McGee C, Stennett C, Clements J, Vrcelj R. (2022) Towards understanding the detonation properties of additively manufactured RDX: Dry powder printed. In: First International Explosives Conference (IEC-2022), 22-24 June 2022, London, UK into additive manufacturing (AM) has been steadily expanding over the past five decades. Where once only polymeric materials could be reliably printed, AM has been adapted to print with a range of materials such as biological, metallic, ceramic and even foodstuffs. The advantages of manufacturing in an additive manner include; a) a layer-by-layer approach allows the creation of architecturally complex structures, b) a reduction in weight, c) lessening of waste and d) the ability to create parts that that are otherwise difficult or too costly to produce. 1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-triazinane (RDX) is regularly used in explosive systems. Its detonation properties when conventionally manufactured are widely researched and broadly understood. However, recent advances in additive manufacturing technologies have led to greater interest in utilising RDX in this manner. There is growing evidence that emerging formulations and printing methods are changing the detonation properties of RDX composites, the critical diameter among them.1 This study reports on beginning to understand the detonation properties of additively manufactured RDX via a dry powder printing method.enTowards understanding the detonation properties of additively manufactured RDX: Dry powder printedDetonation properties of additively manufactured RDX: Dry powder printedConference paper