Effect of change in role of an aircraft on engine life
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New aircraft require years of development from concept to realisation and can be prone to delays. Consequently, military operators take existing fleets and operate them in a different role. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of operating a typical low bypass military fast jet engine, originally designed for a European theatre, in a hot and harsh climate. The specific purpose is to determine the effect on the high-pressure turbine blade life and the life- cycle cost of the engine.
A mission profile and respective performance conditions were analysed and modelled using an in-house performance tool. The flow conditions were simulated using ANSYS® FLUENT. A conjugated heat transfer solution was adopted to determine the blade metal temperature. The blade was modelled physically in 3D using SIMULIA® ABAQUS FEA software. The stresses were derived and used to calculate the temperature coupled low cycle fatigue and creep life.
A deterioration case was also studied to evaluate the effect of sand and dust ingestion. There was a significant life reduction of approximately 50% due to creep. The reduction in life was inversely proportional to the life cycle cost of the engine depending on the operating conditions. The results were compared with similar engines and summarised in the context of airworthiness regulations and component integrity.