Factors that influence the receptivity to fault diagnostic learning when a systems approach is applied: a technical transfer study
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This thesis is concerned with receptivity and response encountered at different levels within organisations when a novel approach to the learning of fault diagnosis skills is introduced. Essentially, the work involved the transfer of a learning technology from research and development on the one hand to the workplace on the other. With only a few exceptions, previous research had taken a highly focused, machinecentred view of fault diagnosis. The same view has been adopted towards the limited range of training that is currently offered in this subject. The overall aim here was to introduce a holistic approach by viewing fault diagnosis as a social process that is conducted within a technical context. To do this, account had to be taken of the complex interactions found between a number of disciplines such as, design, production, quality assurance, buying, maintenance and management. The learning technology that served as a vehicle for the transfer of this systems approach was a series of open learning modules. The modules were produced as part of the project. The methodology was based upon an inductive approach that involved the interpretation of qualitative data; this was done using a triangulation of research methods: case studies, critical incidents, and survey questionnaire. The sample, of both large and small organisations, was designed to provide a mix of different types of manufacturing and service industries. In each case, the practice of fault diagnosis skills continues to be a critical influence upon business performance. Different factors arose at different levels within each organisation, and betweenorganisation factor differences are also identified. Apart from the production of open learning material, the contribution made to the subject area is of new insights into the mechanism used for technology transfer within companies, and the identification of factors that either facilitate or hinder transfer of this kind. There is also a contribution to the debate about how the theory of systems thinking can be applied in a prescriptive way as opposed to the more common descriptive delivery. Recommendations are made for further developmento f the learning technology.