H∞/LQR optimal control for a supersonic air-breathing missile of asymmetric configuration
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Robust control is challenging to achieve for air-breathing missiles operating in a high Mach number regime, such as at high supersonic speeds (M > 3). The challenge arises because of strong couplings, significant non-linearities and large uncertainties in the aerodynamics and propulsion system. The feasibility of achieving robust control in such applications is strongly linked to the development of an appropriate control design structure. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate that in order to stabilise a highly unstable airframe and achieve the required performance, a hybrid of two control schemes may be used to achieve best results. A state feedback linear quadratic regulator is used to stabilise the plant and a forward path H∞ optimal controller is used to achieve the required performance and robustness. We also highlight the complementary attributes of the two control schemes that together can generate a more robust controller; LQR is used since it can achieve good gain and phase margins, whereas, the H∞ control method is better equipped to deal with uncertainties.