Development of bio-based cutting fluid from roselle oil with titanium dioxide nano additive for cnc machine turning operation

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Cranfield University



Conference paper




Haruna MS, Kaisan MU, Kawule MI, Aliyu A. (2022) Development of bio-based cutting fluid from roselle oil with titanium dioxide nano additive for cnc machine turning operation. In: 11th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services - TESConf 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Cranfield UK, Paper number 348


The research work titled Development of Bio-Based Cutting Fluid from Roselle Oil with Titanium Dioxide Nano Additive for CNC Machine Turning Operation was carried out in in line with the global best practices of ensuring sustainable production during Computer Aided Manufacturing. Nano additive were collected in three different samples base oil 0 wt %, 0.5wt% and 1wt% of TiO2. Viscosity test was carried out using a viscometer with base oil, 0.5wt% and 1.0wt% having 3.19, 2.86 and 2.75m²/s respectively. Furthermore, the identification of unknown materials and confirmation of the sample materials were analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy with the materials being identified as carboxyl, hydroxyl, alkane, amide carboxyl and amide acid. Turning operation was carried out on a Harrison center machine with a mild steel work piece at constant depth of cut (1.5mm), constant feed rate (0.3mm) and cutting speeds at 80, 160 and 240rev/min. tool wear, surface finish, chip thickness and chip formation were analyzed. With an increase in Nano fluid concentration of 0.5wt% and 0.1wt% relative to base oil, a decrease in kinematic viscosity has been observed. In comparison to base oil and 0.5wt% TiO2, Nano fluid equal to 1.0wt% TiO2 shows enhanced results. When titanium dioxide was added instead of base oil, tool wear and surface finish are enhanced more. The percentage increase in nanoparticles, along with the observed changes in chip thickness, shape, and formation, point to the importance of nanoparticles at the tool/workpiece interface.


11th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services - TESConf 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Cranfield UK

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Roselle, Titanium Oxide, CNC, CAM, Nano Additive



Attribution 4.0 International





DMG Mori