Spatial-temporal variability in nitrogen use efficiency: Insights from a long-term experiment and crop simulation modeling to support site specific nitrogen management

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Clarke DE, Stockdale EA, Hannam JA, (2024) Spatial-temporal variability in nitrogen use efficiency: Insights from a long-term experiment and crop simulation modeling to support site specific nitrogen management. European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 158, August 2024, Article number 127224


Within-field soil heterogeneity can lead to large variation in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Crop simulation models provide a multi-faceted approach to management considering both soil and plant interactions. However, research using crop models for investigating within field variation in NUE is limited, in part because of challenges quantifying spatially variable soil model parameters. Here soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and measured soil properties were used to map spatial variations in soil characteristics across a Long-Term Experiment in Norfolk, England. The relationship between plot ECa across the 3 ha experiment and agronomic data across three different nitrogen rates (0, 110, and 220 kg N ha-1) over five wheat years (2010–2020) was quantified. The Sirius crop model was parameterized for two soils representing the extremes of ECa. Sirius was validated using recorded plot data. Site-specific optimal nitrogen and associated leaching risks were simulated across 29 years of weather data. Variation in soil properties had significant impact on measured NUE. At 220 kg N ha-1 mean observed yields across 5 years ranged from 9.0 to 10.7 t ha-1 and grain protein from 11.6% to 11% on the low EC and high EC plots, respectively. On average fertiliser grain N recovery was 19.7 kg N ha-1 lower on the low ECa plots. Sirius simulated the variation in yield, grain protein and grain N recovery to a good level of accuracy with RRMSE of 19.5%, 15.4% and 19.5%, respectively. Simulated optimal nitrogen on the low EC soils was on average 12 kg N ha-1 lower, with >1 in 4 years with optimal nitrogen <200 kg N ha-1. Our work demonstrated that using a combination of proximal soil EC scans and targeted soil sampling we can optimize the data requirements for model parameterisation to support site-specific N management.


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Crop simulation model, Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Precision Agriculture, Sirius, Soil electrical conductivity



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This work was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council through the CENTA Doctoral Training Partnership [NERC Ref: NE/L002493/1]. We thank UK Agri-Tech Centres, funded by Innovate UK, for the use of their equipment to conduct part of this research.