Implementation of a lean six sigma approach in the manufacturing sector: a systematic literature review
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Lean Six Sigma is a continuous improvement methodology that aims to reduce production costs, improve organisational capability, and maximise the value for shareholders. This paper aims to explore the most common themes within LSS in the manufacturing sector, and to identify any gaps in those themes which may be preventing users from getting the most benefit from their LSS strategy. This paper also identifies the gaps in current literature and develops a research agenda for future research into Lean Six Sigma themes. The following research is based on a Systematic Literature Review of 33 papers which were published on LSS in the top journals in the field and other specialist journals, from 2000 to 2012. There are important themes cited in this paper which are; Critical Success Factors, benefits, motivation factors, limitations and impeding factors. However, there are many gaps and limitations that need to be covered in future research.