A multi-fidelity optimization process for complex multiple gravity assist trajectory design
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Multiple-gravity assist (MGA) trajectories exploit successive close passages with Solar System planets to change spacecraft orbital energy. This allows to explore orbital regions that are demanding to reach otherwise. However, to automatically plan an MGA transfer it is necessary to solve a complex mixed integer programming problem, to find the best sequences among all combinations of encountered planets and dates for the spacecraft manoeuvres. MGA problem is characterized by multiple local minimum solutions and an optimizable parameter space of complex configuration.Current approaches to solve MGA problem require computing time that rise steeply with the number of control parameters, such as the length of the MGA sequence. Moreover, the most useful problem to be solved is a multi-objective optimization (generally with v and transfer duration as fitness criteria) since it allows to inform the preliminary mission design with the full extent of launch opportunities. With the present paper, a novel toolbox named ASTRA (Automatic Swing-by TRAjectories) is described to assess the possibility of solving these challenges. ASTRA employs multi-fidelity optimization to construct feasible planetary sequences. It automatically selects planetary encounters and evaluates Lambert’s problem solutions over a grid of transfer times. Discontinuities between incoming and outgoing Lambert arcs are in part compensated by the fly-by of the planet. If required, an additional v manoeuvre is added, representing the defect between incoming and outgoing spacecraft relative velocity with respect to the planet. Once the solutions are obtained, defects are replaced with Deep Space Manoeuvres (DSMs) between two consecutive encounters. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to find the optimal location of DSMs. Mission scenarios towards Jupiter are used as test cases to validate and demonstrate the accuracy of ASTRA solutions.