Chapter 5: Comprehensive study on tool wear during machining of fiber-reinforced polymeric composites
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The use of fiber reinforced polymeric (FRP) composites has increased
rapidly, especially in many manufacturing (aerospace, automobile and construction)
industries. The machining of composite materials is an important manufacturing
process. It has attracted several studies over the last decades. Tool wear is a key factor
that contributes to the cost of the machining process annually. It occurs due to sudden
geometrical damage, frictional force and temperature rise at the tool-work interaction
region. Moreover, tool wear is an inevitable, gradual and complex phenomenon. It
often causes machined-induced damage on the workpiece/FRP composite materials.
Considering the geometry of drill, tool wear may occur at the flank face, rake face
and/or cutting edge. There are several factors affecting the tool wear. These include, but are not limited to, drilling parameters and environments/conditions, drill/tool
materials and geometries, FRP composite compositions and machining techniques.
Hence this chapter focuses on drilling parameters, tool materials and geometries,
drilling environments, types of tool wear, mechanisms of tool wear and methods
of measurement of wear, effects of wear on machining of composite materials and
preventive measures against rapid drill wear. Conclusively, some future perspectives
or outlooks concerning the use of drill tools and their associated wears are elucidated,
especially with the advancement in science and technology