Data supporting: 'Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run: data for the measurement of shape'


Kissinger, Thomas; James, Stephen; Weber, Simone; Mullaney, Kevin; Chehura, Edmon; Barrington, James; et al. (2022). Data supporting: 'Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run: data for the measurement of shape'. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset.


FSI_Phase_Data_Shape_CORD.csv contains the raw phase data from the three Fibre Segment interferometry array installed on the Direct Optical Fibre Shape Sensing Rod described in the paper: "Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run - part 2: measurement of shape", Smart Materials and Structure, online 25 May 2022. Shape_Data_Vertical_CORD.csv contains the processed shape data in the vertical (flapping) direction, for the T&B2 ground run. Note that the position measurements are relative to the first FSI reflector on the rod, not to the centre of rotation of the blade. Shape_Data_Horizontal_CORD.csv contains the processed shape data n the horizontal (lagging) direction, for the T&B2 ground run. Note that the position measurements are relative to the first FSI reflector on the rod, not to the centre of rotation of the blade.


Software Description

Software Language



Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors', 'Fibre optic sensors', 'fibre segment interferometry', 'Strain measurement', 'Interferometry', 'Helicopters', 'rotor blades', 'Aerospace Engineering', 'Aerospace Structures', 'Engineering Instrumentation', 'Photonics and Electro-Optical Engineering (excl. Communications)', 'Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications'




CC BY 4.0




Measurement of Dynamic Rotor Blade Deformation