Addressing imminent impactors threat from distant retrograde orbits (DRO)

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International Astronautical Federation (IAF)



Conference paper




Martinez Mata A, Perozzi E, Ceccaroni M. (2022) Addressing the imminent impactors threat from distant retrograde orbits (DRO). In: 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC-22), 18-22 September 2022, Paris, France


Planetary Defence is gaining momentum after the launching toward the Didymos binary system of NASA DART, the first asteroid deflection mission, foreseeing also the deployment of ASI’s LICIAcube. Moreover, the ESA Hera spacecraft, which will contribute to assessing the DART impact momentum transfer, is in full realization phase. After the well established US planetary defence activities, the European Union has recently included the NEO hazard in its own Space Programme in order to extend and complement the ESA initiatives i.e. the establishment of NEO Coordination centre at ESRIN and the realization of the wide-field high-sensitivity Flyeye telescope. Both NASA and ESA also plan to improve the efficiency of their observational networks by launching space mission devoted to NEO observations from space. Finally, the ever-growing NEO discovery rate moves toward increasingly smaller objects passing close to our planet, thus posing new challenges in performing follow- up observations for determining their orbital and physical properties. Within this framework, addressing the so called ”imminent impactors” threat, posed by objects in the 10-40 m range in route of collision with the Earth (the Tunguska-class objects), has become a key issue for planetary defence. Deflection capabilities are useless if a celestial body large enough to produce significant damage can sneak up on the Earth undetected, as could asteroids hiding by the Sun, lurking in the well-known blind spot that ground-based observations can never peer into. In this respect the advantages of placing a telescope on a stable Distant Retrograde Obit (DRO) around the Earth when compared with other orbital configurations have already been proven, and they are now well established in the literature. In this work the feasibility of a mission scenario foreseeing a constellation of four spacecraft in DRO is invesitgated in detail, comparing several target orbits and different transfer strategies, including lunar swing-bys. The more efficient orbital configurations in terms of accessibility and detection capabilities are investigated and validated using case studies of historic asteroid undetected close encounters. Results prove that a DRO constellation would be able to detect and refine the trajectory of a Tunguska-size object with a warning time exceeding the requirement set for natural disasters. The possibility of contributing to the physical characterization of an imminent impactor is also discussed, which is essential for building up an efficient rapid response system for civil protection purposes.


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European Union funding: 870403