Video processing techniques for the contactless investigation of large oscillations
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The experimental acquisition of large vibrations presents various technical difficulties. Especially in the case of geometric nonlinearities, dealing with very flexible, very light structures causes minimal variations in mass or stiffness to affect severely the dynamical response. Thus, sensors' added masses change the behaviour of the structure with respect to the unloaded condition. Moreover, the most common tools regularly employed for acquisition in vibration analysis - that is to say, laser vibrometers and accelerometers - are often designed with small amplitudes in mind. Their recordings are known to lack accuracy when the investigated structure undergoes large or very large motions, due to geometrical reasons. Image-based measurement techniques offer a valid solution to this problem. Here, an ensemble of three video processing techniques are benchmarked against each other and tested as viable options for the non-contact dynamic characterisation of slender beam-like structures. The methods have been applied to the case study of an aluminium spar for a highly-flexible airwing prototype and compared to the measurements recorded by a laser velocimeter and several Raspberry PI Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), which also proved to be minimally invasive.