Context ontology development for connected maintenance services
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The opportunity to shift from corrective and preventive to data-driven Predictive Maintenance has received a significant boost with the deeper penetration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in industrial environments. Processing IoT generated data nonetheless creates challenges for data management and actionable data processing. One way to handle such complexity is to introduce context information modelling and management, wherein data and service delivery are determined upon resolving the apparent context of a service or data request. In this paper, context information management is considered on the basis of a valid knowledge construct for reliability-oriented maintenance management. The aim is to produce a viable semantic organization of data for maintenance services. It is applied on an industrial case linked to maintenance of a distributed fleet of connected production grade industrial printers. The complexity of translating the data generated by such production assets to actionable information is significant, as the status of a single asset is characterised by several hundreds of failure modes and a multitude of event codes. To assess the viability of the ontology for the targeted application, a qualitative usability evaluation study of the ontology is performed.