A review of optimization techniques in spacecraft flight trajectory design

dc.contributor.authorChai, Runqi
dc.contributor.authorSavvaris, Al
dc.contributor.authorTsourdos, Antonios
dc.contributor.authorChai, Senchun
dc.contributor.authorXia, Yuanqing
dc.description.abstractFor most atmospheric or exo-atmospheric spacecraft flight scenarios, a well-designed trajectory is usually a key for stable flight and for improved guidance and control of the vehicle. Although extensive research work has been carried out on the design of spacecraft trajectories for different mission profiles and many effective tools were successfully developed for optimizing the flight path, it is only in the recent five years that there has been a growing interest in planning the flight trajectories with the consideration of multiple mission objectives and various model errors/uncertainties. It is worth noting that in many practical spacecraft guidance, navigation and control systems, multiple performance indices and different types of uncertainties must frequently be considered during the path planning phase. As a result, these requirements bring the development of multi-objective spacecraft trajectory optimization methods as well as stochastic spacecraft trajectory optimization algorithms. This paper aims to broadly review the state-of-the-art development in numerical multi-objective trajectory optimization algorithms and stochastic trajectory planning techniques for spacecraft flight operations. A brief description of the mathematical formulation of the problem is firstly introduced. Following that, various optimization methods that can be effective for solving spacecraft trajectory planning problems are reviewed, including the gradient-based methods, the convexification-based methods, and the evolutionary/metaheuristic methods. The multi-objective spacecraft trajectory optimization formulation, together with different class of multi-objective optimization algorithms, is then overviewed. The key features such as the advantages and disadvantages of these recently-developed multi-objective techniques are summarised. Moreover, attentions are given to extend the original deterministic problem to a stochastic version. Some robust optimization strategies are also outlined to deal with the stochastic trajectory planning formulation. In addition, a special focus will be given on the recent applications of the optimized trajectory. Finally, some conclusions are drawn and future research on the development of multi-objective and stochastic trajectory optimization techniques is discussed.en_UK
dc.identifier.citationChai R, Savvaris A, Tsourdos A, et al., (2019) A review of optimization techniques in spacecraft flight trajectory design. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Volume 109, August 2019, Article number 100543en_UK
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectFlight trajectoriesen_UK
dc.subjectMulti-objective spacecraft trajectory optimizationen_UK
dc.subjectStochastic spacecraft trajectory optimizationen_UK
dc.subjectRobust optimization strategiesen_UK
dc.titleA review of optimization techniques in spacecraft flight trajectory designen_UK
