A simple inverse method for the interpretation of pumped flowing fluid electrical conductivity logs
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Pumped flowing fluid electrical conductivity (FFEC) logs, also known as pumped borehole dilution testing, is an experimentally easy‐to‐perform approach to evaluating vertical variations in the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer. In contrast to the simplicity of the logging equipment, analysis of the data is complex and laborious. Current methods typically require repeated solution of the advection‐dispersion equation (ADE) for describing the flow in the borehole and comparison with the experimental results. In this paper, we describe a direct solution for determining borehole fluid velocity that bypasses the need for complex numerical computation and repetitive optimization. The method rests on the observation that, while solving the ADE for concentration profile in the borehole (as required for modeling and combined methods) is computationally challenging, the solution for flow distribution along the length of the borehole given concentration data is straightforward. The method can accommodate varying borehole diameters, and uses the fact that multiple profiles are taken in the standard logging approach to reduce the impact of noise. Data from both a simulated borehole and from a field test are successfully analyzed. The method is implemented in a spreadsheet, which is available as supporting information material to this paper.