Improved vehicle seating systems for managing rear impact events
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A study has been conducted into the development of Impact Management Seating Systems (IMSS's) for improved occupant protection during rear impacts. The seating systems incorporate methodologies that enable the supporting surfaces to pivot in a controlled manner during the onset of the impact event. This enables the seated occupant to penetrate an outer perimeter frame, whilst simultaneously having the effective ride height lowered. This response is typically referred to as the 'Catchers- Mitt' principal, and provides the occupant with localised 'ride-down', and optimum positioning with respects to the head restraint. Such seating systems can compliment the 'ride-down' characteristics provided by vehicle' crush-zones', or in the case of small and Low Mass Vehicle (LMV) designs, which can suffer from inefficient 'crush-zones' due to geometric restrictions, can be the primary source of impact management. Pivotal systems typically rely on the use of yielding elements to initiate the desired deployment. However, these are inherently restrictive in their ability to adapt to changes in occupant mass and impact magnitude. Solutions are presented to address this and other limitations. Such solutions include the use automatic inflation/deflation technologies, and Siding Plate Anchorage Systems that provide the seated occupant with a supportive surface during deployment of the pivotal mechanisms, and the reposition of the restraint system to address issues with 'rebound-reactions' and/or multiple impact events. LS-DYNA simulations determined the effectiveness of the developed seating systems in controlling a dummy response. Significant reductions in head acceleration and the movements thought responsible for whiplash and Whiplash Associated Disorders were achieved. The realisation of the seating systems is examined. Consideration is given to issues associated with seat mass, to enable the systems to be installed within Low Mass Vehicle (LMV) designs without compromising environmental gains.