Peridynamic modeling of mode-I delamination growth in double cantilever composite beam test: a two-dimensional modeling using revised energy-based failure criteria
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This study presents a two-dimensional ordinary state-based peridynamic (OSB PD) modeling of mode-I delamination growth in a double cantilever composite beam (DCB) test using revised energy-based failure criteria. The two-dimensional OSB PD composite model for DCB modeling is obtained by reformulating the previous OSB PD lamina model in x–z direction. The revised energy-based failure criteria are derived following the approach of establishing the relationship between critical bond breakage work and energy release rate. Loading increment convergence analysis and grid spacing influence study are conducted to investigate the reliability of the present modeling. The peridynamic (PD) modeling load–displacement curve and delamination growth process are then quantitatively compared with experimental results obtained from standard tests of composite DCB samples, which show good agreement between the modeling results and experimental results. The PD modeling delamination growth process damage contours are also illustrated. Finally, the influence of the revised energy-based failure criteria is investigated. The results show that the revised energy-based failure criteria improve the accuracy of the PD delamination modeling of DCB test significantly.