Persistence of 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene in the environment
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2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TATB) is an Insensitive High Explosive (IHE) that is increasingly being used as a safer alternative to traditional energetic materials. However, the high thermal stability of TATB poses challenges for its disposal, particularly through existing open burning methods and its ability to remain in the environment for long period of time. Therefore, this study investigated the persistence of TATB in the environment by conducting small-scale experiments which were designed to examine the resistance of TATB to open burning and to assess unburnt residues. To evaluate the fate and transport of the unburnt materials in soil, laboratory-scale soil column transport studies were conducted to gauge the movement of TATB through soil. The results indicate that TATB exhibits a high resistance to burning, leaving unburnt materials that can persist in soil. The study emphasizes the importance of efficient disposal methods for explosives and highlights the need for further research to understand the environmental impact and toxicity of TATB.