An automated ranking platform for machine learning regression models for meat spoilage prediction using multi-spectral imaging and metabolic profiling


Lucia Estelles-Lopez, Athina Ropodi, Dimitris Pavlidis, Jenny Fotopoulou, Christina Gkousari, Audrey Peyrodie, Efstathios Panagou, George-John Nychas, Fady Mohareb, An automated ranking platform for machine learning regression models for meat spoilage prediction using multi-spectral imaging and metabolic profiling, Food Research International, Vol. 99, Part 1, September 2017, pp. 206-215


Over the past decade, analytical approaches based on vibrational spectroscopy, hyperspectral/multispectral imagining and biomimetic sensors started gaining popularity as rapid and efficient methods for assessing food quality, safety and authentication; as a sensible alternative to the expensive and time-consuming conventional microbiological techniques. Due to the multi-dimensional nature of the data generated from such analyses, the output needs to be coupled with a suitable statistical approach or machine-learning algorithms before the results can be interpreted. Choosing the optimum pattern recognition or machine learning approach for a given analytical platform is often challenging and involves a comparative analysis between various algorithms in order to achieve the best possible prediction accuracy.

In this work, “MeatReg”, a web-based application is presented, able to automate the procedure of identifying the best machine learning method for comparing data from several analytical techniques, to predict the counts of microorganisms responsible of meat spoilage regardless of the packaging system applied. In particularly up to 7 regression methods were applied and these are ordinary least squares regression, stepwise linear regression, partial least square regression, principal component regression, support vector regression, random forest and k-nearest neighbours.

MeatReg” was tested with minced beef samples stored under aerobic and modified atmosphere packaging and analysed with electronic nose, HPLC, FT-IR, GC–MS and Multispectral imaging instrument. Population of total viable count, lactic acid bacteria, pseudomonads, Enterobacteriaceae and B. thermosphacta, were predicted. As a result, recommendations of which analytical platforms are suitable to predict each type of bacteria and which machine learning methods to use in each case were obtained. The developed system is accessible via the link:


Software Description

Software Language



Machine learning, Pattern recognition, Meat spoilage, Metabolic profiling, Data science, Food quality



Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International



