An Object-Oriented Modelling Method for Evolving the Hybrid Vehicle Design Space in a Systems Engineering Environment

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Cranfield University



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A combination of environmental awareness, consumer demands and pressure from legislators has led automotive manufacturers to seek for more environmentally friendly alternatives while still meeting the quality, performance and price demands of their customers. This has led to many complex powertrain designs being developed in order to produce vehicles with reduced carbon emissions. In particular, within the last decade most of the major automotive manufactures have either developed or announced plans to develop one or more hybrid vehicle models. This means that to be competitive and o er the best HEV solutions to customers, manufacturers have to assess a multitude of complex design choices in the most e cient way possible. Even though the automotive industry is adept at dealing with the many complexities of modern vehicle development; the magnitude of design choices, the cross coupling of multiple domains, the evolving technologies and the relative lack of experience with respect to conventional vehicle development compounds the complexities within the HEV design space. In order to meet the needs of e cient and exible HEV powertrain modelling within this design space, a parallel is drawn with the development of complex software systems. This parallel is both from a programmatic viewpoint where object-oriented techniques can be used for physical model development with new equation oriented modelling environments, and from a systems methodology perspective where the development approach encourages incremental development in order to minimize risk. This Thesis proposes a modelling method that makes use of these new tools to apply OOM principles to the design and development of HEV powertrain models. Furthermore, it is argued that together with an appropriate systems engineering approach within which the model development activities will occur, the proposed method can provide a more exible and manageable manner of exploring the HEV design space.The exibility of the modelling method is shown by means of two separate case studies, where a hierarchical library of extendable and replaceable models is developed in order to model the di erent powertrains. Ultimately the proposed method leads to an intuitive manner of developing a complex system model through abstraction and incremental development of the abstracted subsystems. Having said this, the correct management of such an e ort within the automotive industry is key for ensuring the reusability of models through enforced procedures for structuring, maintaining, controlling, documenting and protecting the model development. Further, in order to integrate the new methodology into the existing systems and practices it is imperative to develop an e cient means of sharing information between all stakeholders involved. In this respect it is proposed that together with an overall systems modelling activity for tracking stakeholder involvement and providing a central point for sharing data, CAE methods can be employed in order to automate the integration of data.


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© Cranfield University 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright owner.



