Managerial perceptions of the personal and career transitions of redundant executives and suvivors of redundancy

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Cranfield University



Thesis or dissertation





Although redundancy became widespread in the late 2Wh century, research was lacking on the perceived impact of redundancy and redundancy management policies on the individual. During the 1980s redundancy became more prevalent for managerial populations and outplacement was used increasingly for redundant executives. Survey data gathered in 1990 indicated that, the practical nature of outplacement, and the help in overcoming personal and career transitions, were valued by redundant executives. Redundant executives were dissatisfied with the fact that outplacement did not always secure them a job. Another survey in 1992 identified the corporate rationale for outplacement policies. Perceived benefits included professional, objective help to facilitate the transition for redundant individuals and a potentially ameliorating effect on the survivors of redundancy. However, a survey in 1994 indicated that companies were more focussed on managing organisational needs than the personal or career transition issues of survivors. The research suggested that outplacement had become a normative HR policy response which may have been instrumental in setting new parameters for the psychological contracts of redundant executives, such as re-balancing work and non-work life, and reviewing commitment and attachment to a corporate entity. For the survivors of redundancy, a psychological contract based on a looser association appeared to be the corporate offer. As highlighted by the study of the employment deal for graduates in the mid 1990s, against the backdrop of large scale redundancy, companies were quite ekplicitly offering developmental opportunities rather than a career, even to those destined for senior management levels. These combined data signalled shifts in the employment relationship. This thesis describes and analyses some of the apparent ambiguities between theory and practice relating to redundancy management, and outcomes at the individual level. It seeks clarification through the development of a model of redundancy management.


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