The development of an intelligent decision support framework in the contact centre environment

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Cranfield University



Thesis or dissertation





In a time of fast growing technology and communication systems, it is very important for the industry and the corporations to develop new contact centre environment technologies for better customer contact requirements. The integration of contact centre (CC) into day-to-day organisational operations represents one of the most promising trends in the 21 st century economy. Whatever the nature or point of contact, customers want a seamless interaction throughout their experience with the company. Customers receive more personalised experience, while the company itself can now provide a consistent message across all customer interactions. Based on the literature studies and the research carried out within the contact centre industry through the case studies, the author identified the customer and advisor behavioural attributes along with demographic, experience and others that later are used to derive the categories. Clustering technique identified the categories for customers and advisors. From the initial set of categories, fuzzy expert system framework was derived which assigned a customer or advisor with the pre-defined set of categories. The thesis has proposed two novel frameworks for categorisation of customer and advisor within contact centres and development of intelligent decision support framework that displays the right amount of information to the advisor at the right time. Furthermore, the frameworks were validated with qualitative expert judgement from the experts at the contact centres and through a simulation approach. The research has developed a novel Soft Computing based fuzzy logic categorisation framework that categorises customer and advisor on the basis of their demographic, experience and behavioural attributes. The study also identifies the behavioural aspects of customer and advisor within CC environment and on the basis of categorisation framework, assigns each customer and advisor to that of a pre-defined category. The research has also proposed an intelligent decision support framework to identify and display the minimum amount of information required by an advisor to serve the customer in CC environment. The performance of the proposed frameworks is analysed through four case studies. In this way this research proposes a fully tested and validated set of categorisation and information requirement frameworks for dealing with customer and advisor and its challenges. The research also identifies future research directions in the relevant areas.


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© Cranfield University, 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright owner.



