Data supporting: 'The importance of non-stationary multiannual periodicities in the North Atlantic Oscillation index for forecasting water resource drought'

Show simple item record Rust, Will Holman, Ian P. Bloomfield, John Cuthbert, Mark 2024-06-04T04:30:52Z 2024-06-04T04:30:52Z 2022-09-01 16:58
dc.identifier.citation Rust, Will; Holman, Ian; Bloomfield, John P.; Cuthbert, Mark (2022). Data supporting: 'The importance of non-stationary multiannual periodicities in the North Atlantic Oscillation index for forecasting water resource drought'. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset.
dc.description.abstract 1- 157 x 136 matrix containing calculated drought series for each 136 GWL records over 157 years. NAs present where no GWL record present. Drought threshold method used after Peters et al, 2003.2 - 139 x 767 matrix containing calculated streamflow drought series for 767 streamflow gauges over 139 years. Value represents Boolean of whether a drought occurred in calendar year.3 - 201 x 157 x 136 array of cross-wavelet transform pval results between 136 groundwater level records over 157 years at 201 frequency intervals. NA values present where no values recorded in original GWL series.4 - 201 x 157 x 767 array of cross-wavelet transform pval results between 767 streamflow records over 157 years at 201 frequency intervals. NA values present where no values recorded in original GWL series.5 - 201 x 157 x 136 array of cross-wavelet transform power results between 136 groundwater level records over 157 years at 201 frequency intervals. NA values present where no values recorded in original GWL series.6 - 5 - 201 x 157 x 767 array of cross-wavelet transform power results between 767 streamflow records over 157 years at 201 frequency intervals. NA values present where no values recorded in original GWL series.7 - 157 x 136 matrix containing phase difference values between the NAO and 136 groundwater level records over 157 year time period. Phase difference for the 7.5 year periodicity.8 - 157 x 767 matrix containing phase difference values between the NAO and 767 streamflow records over 157 year time period. Phase difference for the 7.5 year periodicity.
dc.description.sponsorship Centre for Doctoral Training for Data, Risk and Environmental Analytical Methods (DREAM)
dc.publisher Cranfield University
dc.rights CC BY 4.0
dc.subject Surfacewater Hydrology'
dc.subject 'Water Resources Engineering'
dc.title Data supporting: 'The importance of non-stationary multiannual periodicities in the North Atlantic Oscillation index for forecasting water resource drought'
dc.type Dataset
dc.identifier.doi 10.17862/cranfield.rd.16866868

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