Transport Systems


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 70
  • ItemOpen Access
    'Optics and Lasers in Engineering - Absolute angle measurement using dual-wavelength laser speckle: theory and method'
    (Cranfield University, 2023-11-28 11:38) Gibson, Sam; Charrett, Tom; Tatam, Ralph
    Data supporting 'Absolute angle measurement using dual-wavelength laser speckle: theory and method', published in Optics and Lasers in Engineering.
  • ItemOpen Access
    'Optics Express: Spectrometer-based refractive index and dispersion measurement using low-coherence interferometry with confocal scanning'
    (Cranfield University, 2018-02-07 16:53) Francis, Daniel; Ford, Helen; Tatam, Ralph
    Data associated with Optics Express submission; Spectrometer-based refractive index and dispersion measurement using low-coherence interferometry with confocal scanning
  • ItemOpen Access
    Non-dispersive ultra-violet spectroscopic detection of formaldehyde gas for indoor environments
    (Cranfield University, 2018-02-21 11:11) Davenport, John; Hodgkinson, Jane; Tatam, Ralph
    Data to support the publication Non-dispersive ultra-violet spectroscopic detection of formaldehyde gas for indoor environments J. J. Davenport, J. Hodgkinson, J. R. Saffell and R. P. Tatam IEEE Sensors Journal DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2795042
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting: 'Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run: data for the measurement of shape'
    (Cranfield University, 2022-09-01 15:50) Kissinger, Thomas; James, Stephen; Weber, Simone; Mullaney, Kevin; Chehura, Edmon; Barrington, James; Staines, Stephen; Tatam, Ralph
    FSI_Phase_Data_Shape_CORD.csv contains the raw phase data from the three Fibre Segment interferometry array installed on the Direct Optical Fibre Shape Sensing Rod described in the paper: "Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run - part 2: measurement of shape", Smart Materials and Structure, online 25 May 2022. Shape_Data_Vertical_CORD.csv contains the processed shape data in the vertical (flapping) direction, for the T&B2 ground run. Note that the position measurements are relative to the first FSI reflector on the rod, not to the centre of rotation of the blade. Shape_Data_Horizontal_CORD.csv contains the processed shape data n the horizontal (lagging) direction, for the T&B2 ground run. Note that the position measurements are relative to the first FSI reflector on the rod, not to the centre of rotation of the blade.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Applied Optics: HSW gas cells for mid-IR spectroscopy (2016)
    (Cranfield University, 2016-08-22 13:32) Francis, Daniel; Hodgkinson, Jane; Tatam, Ralph
    Data associated with Applied Optics submission, 'Low volume, fast response-time hollow silica waveguide gas cells for mid-IR spectroscopy'
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting: 'Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run: data for the measurement of strain'
    (Cranfield University, 2022-09-01 15:49) James, Stephen; Kissinger, Thomas; Weber, Simone; Mullaney, Kevin; Chehura, Edmon; Barrington, James; Tatam, Ralph
    FBG_Data_CORD.csv contains the raw wavelength data from the 10 FBGs (G1-G10) recorded during the ground run detailed within the paper "Fibre-optic measurement of strain and shape on a helicopter rotor blade during a ground run - part 1: measurement of strain", James et al. Smart Materials and Structures, available online, May 2022. The unit of the "Time" column is seconds, while the units of columns G1-G10 are nanometers. FSI_Data_CORD.csv contains the raw phase data obtained from the interferometers formed between the reflectors (R1-R10,) and the cleaved end of the optical fibre, recorded during the ground run detailed within the paper The unit of the "Time" column is seconds, while the units of columns R1-R10 are radians.
  • ItemOpen Access
    '2D Spatially-Resolved Depth-Section Microfluidic Flow Velocimetry Using Dual Beam OCT'
    (Cranfield University, 2020-04-27 15:33) Hallam, Jonathan; Tatam, Ralph; Rigas, Evangelos; Charrett, Tom
    'Data and associated figures and supplementary materials for '2D Spatially-Resolved Depth-Section Microfluidic Flow Velocimetry Using Dual Beam OCT' published in Micromachines special edition 4th Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems 2-4th October 2019. Update: 27/04/2020. Added 'requirements.txt' listing exact python packages required and clarified 'readme.txt'.'
  • ItemOpen Access
    Fabrication of Optical Fibre Tapers
    (Cranfield University, 2017-05-19 08:47) Mullaney, K; James, Stephen; Tatam, Ralph
    Data concerning the fabrication of tapered optical fibres. Presented in Proc. SPIE 10323, 10323D. - Evolution of channeled spectrum during tapering of SMF 28 optical fiber, using a CO2 laser as the heat source. OFS_2017_TAPER_FIGURE2.xlsx - The spectral response of a Vosskuhler NIR-300P NIR camera and the Planckian black body radiation curves (dashed lines) for a range of temperatures near the melting point of silica optical fibres. OFS_2017_TAPER_FIGURE4.xlsx - The strain measured bya fibre Bragg gratings and laser power used during the fabrication of a taper.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Tapered Long Period Gratings
    (Cranfield University, 2017-05-19 08:46) Mullaney, K; James, Stephen; Staines, S; Tatam, Ralph
    OFS_2017_TLPG_Fig2.xlsx. Figure 2 from Proc. SPIE 10323, 10323C. The spectrum of a tapered long period grating after the fabrication of each of the tapered sections, where the waist diameter was 117 μm and the period was of 418 µm. The TLPG was fabricated in Fibrecore SM750 fibre, and the spectrum recorded using an Ocean Optics CCD spectrometer. OFS_2017_TLPG_Fig3.xlsx. Figure 2 from Proc. SPIE 10323, 10323C. The transmission spectra of 3 TLPG, each comprising 6 tapered sections, with periods of 378,421 and 460 µm and duty cycles of 55, 45 and 41 %.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dataset DrivAer hp-F: Force Measurements at Various Rear Wing Angles of Attack
    (Cranfield University, 2024-04-30 10:36) Rijns, Steven; Teschner, Tom-Robin; Blackburn, Kim; Brighton, James
    Dataset for the aerodynamic force measurements on the 35% scale DrivAer hp-F rear wing configuration using the moving ground facility in the 8x6 Wind Tunnel at Cranfield University. The dataset includes aerodynamic force coefficients results from the moving ground experiments on the DrivAer hp-F with rear wing angle of attack settings ranging from 0°-27.5°. The measurements have been conducted three times at each angle of attack setting for repeatability. In reference to the publication: Steven Rijns, Tom-Robin Teschner, Kim Blackburn, James Brighton; Effects of cornering conditions on the aerodynamic characteristics of a high-performance vehicle and its rear wing. Physics of Fluids 1 April 2024; 36 (4): 045119. CAD files for the DrivAer hp-F rear wing configuration are available at: Rijns, Steven; Teschner, Tom-Robin; Blackburn, Kim; Ramos Proenca, Anderson; Brighton, James (2024). DrivAer hp-F: Spoiler & Rear Wing Configurations Geometry Pack. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. '
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dataset DrivAer hp-F: Force Measurements in Yaw Conditions
    (Cranfield University, 2024-04-30 10:34) Rijns, Steven; Teschner, Tom-Robin; Blackburn, Kim; Ramos Proenca, Anderson; Brighton, James
    Dataset for the aerodynamic force measurements conducted on the 35% scale DrivAer hp-F model at various yaw angles in the 8x6 wind Tunnel at Cranfield University. The dataset includes aerodynamic force coefficients results from measurement on the following vehicle configurations: - DrivAer hp-F standard configuration (no spoiler or rear wing) - DrivAer hp-F spoiler configuration - DrivAer hp-F rear wing configuration The measurements on the DrivAer hp-F rear wing configuration have been conducted three times for repeability. In reference to the publication: Steven Rijns, Tom-Robin Teschner, Kim Blackburn, Anderson Ramos Proenca, James Brighton; Experimental and numerical investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of high-performance vehicle configurations under yaw conditions. Physics of Fluids 1 April 2024; 36 (4): 045112. CAD files for the DrivAer hp-F configurations are available at: Rijns, Steven; Teschner, Tom-Robin; Blackburn, Kim; Ramos Proenca, Anderson; Brighton, James (2024). DrivAer hp-F: Spoiler & Rear Wing Configurations Geometry Pack. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dataset DrivAer hp-F: Surface Pressure Measurements in Yaw Conditions
    (Cranfield University, 2024-04-30 10:42) Rijns, Steven; Teschner, Tom-Robin; Blackburn, Kim; Ramos Proenca, Anderson; Brighton, James
    Dataset for the surface pressure measurements conducted on the 35% scale DrivAer hp-F model at various yaw angles in the 8x6 Wind Tunnel at Cranfield University. The dataset includes the surface pressure coefficient results from measurements on the slant of the following vehicle configurations: - DrivAer hp-F standard configuration (no spoiler or rear wing) - DrivAer hp-F spoiler configuration - DrivAer hp-F rear wing configuration The measurements on the DrivAer hp-F rear wing configuration have been conducted three times for repeatability. The dataset also includes a log file of the data structure and wind tunnel conditions for each experiment. In reference to the publication: Steven Rijns, Tom-Robin Teschner, Kim Blackburn, Anderson Ramos Proenca, James Brighton; Experimental and numerical investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of high-performance vehicle configurations under yaw conditions. Physics of Fluids 1 April 2024; 36 (4): 045112. CAD files for the DrivAer hp-F configurations are available at: Rijns, Steven; Teschner, Tom-Robin; Blackburn, Kim; Ramos Proenca, Anderson; Brighton, James (2024). DrivAer hp-F: Spoiler & Rear Wing Configurations Geometry Pack. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A long-wave infra-red pulsed external-cavity QCL spectrometer using a hollow waveguide gas cell: Data
    (Cranfield University, 2024-04-25 08:45) Francis, Daniel; Hodgkinson, Jane; Tatam, Ralph
    A spectrometer built using an external cavity pulsed quantum cascade laser is described. The spectrometer has a tuning range from 10 €“ 13 um (1,000 €“ 769 cm-1) and is designed to target volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which often exhibit water-free molecular absorption within the region. The spectrometer utilizes a hollow silica waveguide gas cell which has an internal volume of a few millilitres, a fast response time (~1 s), and is advantageous when only low sample volumes, similar to the cell volume, are available.
  • ItemOpen Access
    CogShift - Typical Trial
    (Cranfield University, 2023-12-11 15:47) Cecotti, Marco
    This is the video of one of the vehicle trials for the CogShift project. CogShift, one of five projects which are part of an £11 million UK Government investment in autonomous vehicle research, studied driver attention and cognitive control characteristics. The project developed an optimal control-authority shifting system which takes driver attention into account. More information can be found at
  • ItemOpen Access
    I2MTC 2024 Glasgow - Towards High Resolution Absolute Angle Sensing using Dual-Wavelength Laser Speckle
    (Cranfield University, 2024-02-27 13:05) Gibson, Sam; Charrett, Tom; Tatam, Ralph
    Data supporting the conference paper 'Towards High Resolution Absolute Angle Sensing using Dual-Wavelength Laser Speckle', presented at the International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) in Glasgow, in May 2024.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Interferometric robot joint angle measurement: data
    (Cranfield University, 2024-01-08 14:55) Naga Narayanan Ayyappan Pillai Rajeshwari, Sivaji; Charrett, Tom; Kissinger, Thomas; Barrington, James; James, Stephen; Tatam, Ralph
    Time series of angle measurement performed on 3 joints of a robotic arm instrumented with an array of optical fibre based angle sensors, exploiting fibre segment interferometry, Data presetned and analysed in: A fibre optic angle sensing tape for applications in robotics and automation
  • ItemOpen Access
    Results of Centreline Extraction Based on Maximal Disks
    (Cranfield University, 2023-06-07 11:28) Yin, Chenhui; Cecotti, Marco; Auger, Daniel; Fotouhi, Abbas
    Results of centreline extraction based on maximal disks in a chosen lanelet2 map.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting "The use of range-resolved interferometry for multi-parameter sensing in a wind tunnel"
    (Cranfield University, 2023-12-12 14:59) Barrington, James; James, Stephen; Kissinger, Thomas; Staines, Stephen; Alcusa Saez, Erica; Lawson, Nicholas; Tatam, Ralph; Prince, Simon
    Each data set relates to the data displayed in Figure 2 of the conference paper. The 1st column in each file outlines the data type and unit.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting the publication 'Compact methane sensor using an integrating sphere and Interband Cascade Laser at 3313nm'
    (Cranfield University, 2023-04-28 16:45) Davis, Nicholas; Francis, Daniel; Hodgkinson, Jane; Tatam, Ralph
    Data associated with Sensors and Actuators B submission "Compact methane sensor using an integrating sphere and Interband Cascade Laser at 3313nm"
  • ItemOpen Access
    Aerosonde Simulation
    (Cranfield University, 2018-03-15 14:53) Pelham, Joni
    Aerosonde Simulink simulation with mission simulator, and fault simulator. Development of work by Whidborne, Saban, et al