Monitoring urban sealing from space: The application of remote sensing to identify and measure changes in the area of soil prevented from carrying out functions by sealing

Show simple item record Wood, Gavin Braganza, Steven Brewer, Timothy R. Kampouraki, Mary Harris, Jim A. Hannam, Jacqueline A. Burton, Rodney Deane, Graham 2022-07-13T16:50:58Z 2022-07-13T16:50:58Z 2006-08
dc.identifier.citation Wood G, Braganza S, Brewer T, et al., (2006) Monitoring urban sealing from space: The application of remote sensing to identify and measure changes in the area of soil prevented from carrying out functions by sealing. Cranfield University, National Soil Resources Institute, UK
dc.description.abstract Overview Urban development presents the greatest driver of soil loss due to sealing-over by buildings, pavement and transport infrastructure. To this end, soil sealing is recognised as one of the major threats to soil. The ability to monitor the rates, types and geo-spatial distribution of soil sealing is crucial to understanding the severity of pressure on soils and their impact on European and global socio-economic and environmental systems. The overall objective of this work was to test the feasibility of using space-derived information to support the Defra Soils Team (ST) in monitoring the extent and pattern of soil sealing. The rate and nature of sealing should be routinely measured in order for it to be managed to best effect. Monitoring soil sealing is intended to be a part of a national soil monitoring scheme and to inform policy creation. This report identifies appropriate Earth Observation (EO) technology and processing procedures to deliver a range of baseline and monitoring information, and assesses the practical scope for the routine use of EO information to support the delivery of the required tasks of the Defra ST1 . The project was funded under the British National Space Centre’s GIFTSS2 programme with support from Defra. en_UK
dc.description.sponsorship Technical report of GIFTSS project BNSC/ITT/54, Defra code SP0541 en_UK
dc.language.iso en en_UK
dc.publisher Cranfield University; National Soil Resources Institute en_UK
dc.title Monitoring urban sealing from space: The application of remote sensing to identify and measure changes in the area of soil prevented from carrying out functions by sealing en_UK
dc.type Technical Report en_UK

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