Flight desk control demonstrator

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The aim of a control system is to obtain a desired output response according to an input command. This can be achieved by knowing a model of the system with an open-loop control. However, an accurate model can be difficult to obtain. With a closed-loop control system, the controller determines the input signal of the process by using the measurement of the output. The most used method in the industry world involves PID correction. The concept of feedback control and the choice of the three gains (Proportional, Integrator, Derivative) for a simple PID controller can be quite hard for students to conceptualize and understand their effectiveness. The aim of this project is to develop a simple feedback system for aerospace students to understand the nature of feedback control, the choice and the influence of the PID terms. The system consists of a demonstrator for the control of the pitch angle of a simple aerofoil by means of a regulated flap. This document focuses on the process to design a fully working demonstrator including the design of the demonstrator, its building and the programming of the GUI (Graphical User Interface). The first step is to create an aerodynamic model of the system. Once a reliable model is obtained, a structural layout is suggested, based on existing wind tunnel design. The wind tunnel design is critical because the geometry has a direct impact on the loads acting on the aerofoil and it must satisfy aerodynamic requirements. The wind tunnel must create favourable aerodynamic conditions to make an easier control of the aerofoil by its flap. Then, the demonstrator is built using laser cutting and 3D printing. The PID controller is implemented into an Arduino board programmed in C++ connected via Bluetooth to the GUI on a computer programmed in JAVA. It is possible to plot and save the output of the demonstrator as well as send new settings to the controller. The demonstrator will be assessed, and several PID settings are suggested.


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PID controller, trailing edge control surface, Arduino GUI, Pitot tube, JAVA, C++



© Cranfield University, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.



