A technical evaluation, performance analysis and risk assessment of multiple novel oxy-turbine power cycles with complete CO2 capture

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Fernando Climent Barba, Guillermo Martínez-Denegri Sánchez, Blanca Soler Seguí, Hamidreza Gohari Darabkhani, Edward John Anthony, A technical evaluation, performance analysis and risk assessment of multiple novel oxy-turbine power cycles with complete CO2 capture, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 133, 1 October 2016, Pages 971-985


In recent years there has been growing concern about greenhouse gas emissions (particularly CO2 emissions) and global warming. Oxyfuel combustion is one of the key technologies for tackling CO2 emissions in the power industry and reducing their contribution to global warming. The technology involves burning fuel with high-purity oxygen to generate mainly CO2 and steam, enabling easy CO2 separation from the flue gases by steam condensation. In fact, 100% CO2 capture and near-zero NOx emissions can be achieved with this technology.

This study examines nineteen different oxy-turbine cycles, identifying the main parameters regarding their operation and development. It also analyses the use of advanced natural gas (NG) combustion cycles from the point of view of the carbon capture and storage (CCS) and considering political, legislative and social aspects of deploying this technology. Six oxy-turbine cycles which are at the most advanced stages of development (NetPower, Clean Energy Systems CES), Modified Graz, E-MATIANT, Advanced Zero Emission Power AZEP 100% and Semi-Closed Oxy-fuel Combustion Combined Cycle (SCOC-CC)), were chosen to conduct a Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Legislative and Economic (PESTLE) risk analysis. This compares each technology with a conventional combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant without carbon capture as the base-case scenario. Overall, the net efficiency of the different oxy-turbine cycles ranges between 43.6% and 65%, comparable to a CCGT power plant, while providing the extra benefits of CO2 capture and lower emissions.

A multi-criteria analysis carried out using DECERNS (Decision Evaluation in Complex Risk Network Systems) software determined that, depending on the specific criterion considered, one can draw different conclusions. However, in terms of technology, environment and social opinion, the most promising cycles are the NetPower and CES cycles, whereas from an economic point of view, E-MATIANT is more competitive in the energy market. Giving each factor equal importance, the NetPower cycle must be considered to be the best oxy-turbine cycle based on our analysis.

Most of the oxy-turbine cycles are still under development and only a few cycles (e.g., CES and NetPower) are progressing to the demonstration phase. In consequence, political measures such as CO2 tax and emission allowances need to be implemented for oxy-turbine technologies to become the preferred option for fossil fuel power plants burning natural gas.


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Carbon capture and storage, Oxy-turbine power cycle, Air separation unit, Combined cycle gas turbine, Techno-economic analysis, PESTLE risk analysis



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