This collection showcases outputs from the fourth Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium, hosted at STEAM: Museum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon by Cranfield University in association with Dstl and AWE. It is the only UK conference to provide research students and early career researchers in defence and security with an opportunity to present their work to a sector-wide audience. Covering both technology and social sciences research, contributions include technical papers, a 3MT (three minute thesis) competition, digital images, posters and an installation competition. In addition, there are plenary talks from thought-leaders, as well as exhibition space for industry and other employers of defence and security researchers.

Outputs from the third Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium (DSDS17) can be accessed at: DSDS17

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 30
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Tackifying Resins on Composite Propellant Formulations
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-23 08:48) Bagguley, Emily
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Composite propellants consist of solid filler particles suspended in a polymeric matrix. In order to achieve maximum performance the amount of solid filler is increased resulting in a viscous suspension. Such high viscosities present processing challenges during manufacture, as such the following work utilises ResonantAcoustic© Mixing, a novel mixing method able to handle such highly viscous materials.In composite propellants, the most common polymer chosen is hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) for its excellent mechanical properties as well as its potential for high solids loading. Once cured HTPB provides an intricate polymeric solid matrix in which solid particles may be suspended.Tackifying resins have been commonly utilised in the adhesive industry, but rarely, if ever, in propellants. This work utilises tackifying resins to modify HTPB and use these resin-modified HTPBs to produce composite propellant formulations. Functionally the resins are used to increase adhesion between the binder and the filler; potentially allowing formulators to remove common processing aids such as bonding agents and plasticisers. This work investigates the mechanical and rheological effect of such modifications.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of a Pulse Shape Discrimination Algorithm
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-21 10:19) Wood, Jack
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Pulse Shape Discrimination is the process of distinguishing between radiation types such as neutrons or gamma-rays. Dual detector scintillators can be used as they fluoresce from both neutron and gamma interactions. Once the light has been collected on the photo sensor and its electric signal gets digitised, discrimination algorithms can be applied to identify the radiation type on a event-by-event basis. Several types of algorithms exist, each with benefits and disadvantages. Several algorithms and filters have been built and are currently being tested on temperature data from a summer project. The resultant codes form the framework of a novel algorithm which is currently being developed. Experimental data has also been recorded to begin building the pulse shape database required for the novel algorithm and to test the discrimination algorithms.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Algorithm for Micro-Size Target Detection with Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-23 09:07) Binti zulkifli, Safiah
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Micro-UAVs of the size of an insect can be used to perform stealthy surveillance or to gather intelligence crucial to attack roles at a relatively short range and within enclosed spaces and buildings. Conventional radar systems have been optimised to detect and classify bigger targets and are not specifically designed to detect micro-targets of less than 5cm in size. Other micro-targets that are relatively small in size are the insect itself. Insect detecting, monitoring and tracking have been a great interest too until now, especially those that can caused harm to the agriculture and wide spread of diseases. It is important to detect at early stage rather than noticed it after the destructive happened. Most entomology radars that are being used now are pulsed signal wave radar, that are less efficient compared to continuous wave radar. A set of MATLAB simulations will be carried out to understand how to extract the Doppler as well as micro-Doppler signatures from these small targets, then to understand what sort of detection range can be achieved with current technology.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Analytical Estimates of Proton Acceleration in Laser-produced Turbulent Plasmas
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-23 10:36) Beyer, Konstantin
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.With the advent of high power lasers, new opportunities have opened up for simulating astrophysical processes in the laboratory. We show that 2nd-order Fermi acceleration can be directly investigated at the National Ignition Facility, Livermore. This requires measuring the momentum-space diffusion of 3 MeV protons produced within a turbulent plasma generated by a laser. Treating Fermi acceleration as a biased diffusion process, we show analytically that a measurable broadening of the initial proton distribution is then expected for particles exiting the plasma.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effective Polarization Filtering Techniques for Ground Penetrating Radar Applications
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-23 09:27) Wirth, Sebastian
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is increasingly being used for landmine detection. In contrast to metal detecting, GPR can be used for detection of low-metal content or non-metal content targets. Subsurface radar still suffers from two typical problems, a strong clutter response from the surface and high signal to clutter levels in the underground. This paper addresses these problems through the use of a novel near-field full-polarimetric (0.4-5.0GHz) SFCW GPR system that measures the polarimetric microwave backscatter response and synthesises an equivalent complex clutter scattering matrix that suppresses subsurface clutter in the co-pol and cross-pol channels. The technique is compared to Stokes parameter analysis of the polarimtric response and found to offer comparable or better clutter suppression imagery. Results for these techniques are presented for raw B-scan GPR images and synthetic aperture radar imagery. Significant signal features for various buried objects are also characterised. These include GPR near-field radar cross sections for some landmines and common clutter targets and the unique polarization signatures of these objects that can be used to both discriminate and potentially identify unknown landmines. The paper also describes the polarisation channel equalisation and quasi-bistatic antenna calibration procedure undertaken to acquire accurate imagery and absolute RCS values. The presented GPR system uses a linear polarised TEM horn as transmit antenna and two near-field probe (loop) antennas, arranged orthogonally and in front of the TEM horn, to collect the co- and cross-polar response. The loop antennas are placed just outside the near-field of the TEM horn at 11 cm in front of the aperture at 400 MHz. The antenna configuration is moved over a 3m sandpit mechanically. The sandpit is comprised of three bays that each are filled with different soil types (sand, sand/gravel mix and loam) and the presented clutter suppression techniques are tested for targets buried in these different soils with different moisture levels.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of particulate contamination and jet fuel chemistry on the nucleation of water and ice in aircraft fuel systems
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-27 10:51) Ugbeh, Judith
    3MT presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.The contamination and behaviour of water in aircraft fuel systems remains a significant area of global research interest following several aircraft incidents. Water and particulates in fuel may lead to ice formation. The resulting ice formed may eventually block the fuel filters and feed pipes creating safety problems.In order to engineer a lasting solution to the problem of ice in jet fuel it is important to identify precisely the conditions and features that may exacerbate this phenomenon.This work will give a detailed account of the recent advances and technologies in the literature indicating conditions that might lead to the nucleation of water and ice in aircraft fuel systems. It will develop awareness of the key complexities associated with jet fuel chemistry. Furthermore, the work identifies the significant knowledge gaps that exist in the literature highlighting routes to be investigated for future research.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium Flyer 2018
    (Cranfield University, 2018-07-26 11:57) Cranfield University
    Flyer promoting the Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium 2018 and calling for contributions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Effects of Processing Variables on Resonant Acoustic Mixed Polymer Bonded Explosives
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-23 10:40) Claydon, Andrew
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Polymer Bonded Explosives (PBXs) are composite materials which consist of high explosive crystals bound in a polymer matrix. During manufacture, the crystals are dispersed throughout a liquid prepolymer, which is then cured into a crosslinked elastomeric solid. Dispersion can be achieved with Resonant Acoustic Mixing (RAM), a novel mixing technique which uses a vibrating platform to create longitudinal acoustic pressure waves which agitate the mixture. This work describes the outcomes of a comparison between the effects of different mixing vessel surfaces on process efficiency, and a way in which RAM equipment can be modified to mix PBX samples ‘in-situ’, in their end-use cases.NOTE: This poster is based on preliminary data that has since been superseded, additional details on where to find current work will be included here in due course.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Conceptualising, Defining and Remodelling Supply Chain Management; An Objective-Oriented Grounded Theory Approach
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 09:23) Alkebaisi, Hussain
    Technical paper presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Although it has been more than three decades since the concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM) was first introduced, there are still significant attempts at, and a call for conceptualising, defining, remodelling and identifying the theory behind it. There is no consensus in the literature on a concise and precise definition of SCM. A rigorous theoretical framework has not yet been developed; the existing models like Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) and the Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) models lack the details called for in a holistic model that encompasses the essence of SCM and integrates the best features of the existing models and covers their shortcomings.The argument in the literature is that: “research and practice would be improved if a single definition were adopted” (Mentzer et al., 2001); “closing the gap between SCM theory and actual practice would be the development of a single, unifying SCM framework that both incorporates the best aspects of the existing, widely used frameworks and addresses their current limitations” (Moberg et al., 2008).The literature has shown that most of the research methods and approaches which were used to solve these issues were process-oriented or business functions-oriented (Object-Oriented), that is, the focus was on what firms and organisations are doing, where they do it, or how they do it. However, there is no evidence in the literature that an Objective-Oriented approach has been investigated in resolving those theoretical issues, nor the Grounded Theory research methodology has been applied to that end. Some research papers, for instance, recommended the use of the Grounded Theory research methodology as it could lead to theorising SCM. Therefore, this research focuses on the application of the Grounded Theory research method through an Objective-Oriented line-by-line coding system which will employ multiple data resources including the literature, websites, recorded lectures and recorded interviews.This paper/presentation aims to introduce the gap identified in the literature as reported above to study to what extent the novel approach (Objective-Oriented Grounded Theory Approach) could contribute to resolving the use of a single framework approach that can be applied to multiple sectors. Through this approach, the researcher will be able to: conceptualise SCM, identify the theory behind it, define the concept precisely and concisely and develop a unified model that visualises SCM.Keywords – Supply chain management, Constructivist Grounded Theory, Objective-Oriented approach, Supply chain Management Conceptual Model.ReferencesMentzer, et al. (2001) ‘Defining Supply Chain Management’, Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), pp. 1–25. doi: 10.1002/j.2158-1592.2001.tb00001.x.Moberg, et al. (2008) Time to Remodel, CSCMP’s Supply Chain Quarterly. Available at: http://www.supplychainquarterly.com/print/scq200803scmmodel/ (Accessed: 15 November 2017).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Future Sustainable Propellants
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 10:26) Wilkinson, Peter
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Traditionally propellants have been made from materials specifically manufactured for this purpose. This project seeks to find whether commercially available thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) can be used to replace some or all of the existing propellants. Traditionally gun propellants used either nitrocellulose sourced from natural ingredients such as cotton or a synthetic binder such as hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB), cross linked with an isocyanate. Two TPEs were selected and analysed for suitability as a propellant binder. Inert formulations were created by a new novel process. This involved coating the filler with TPE using a novel slurry coating process involving a Resonant Acoustic Mixer (RAM). The coated mixture was then hot pressed into a slab for mechanical testing. It is thought that TPEs may be able to match the excellent mechanical properties and good performance of traditional gun propellant binders, whilst having a much lower risk of obsolescence and being much easier to be decommissioned in a more environmentally sound manner.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waste Water Treatment in a Nutshell
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 10:09) Fawcett-Hirst, William
    3MT presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Water is vital to life on Earth so there is a great incentive for all water users to use it responsibly. There are a plethora of materials that can be used to treat water such as sedimentation, flocculation and biological processes as well as the most favoured for industrial explosives applications, carbon. but most of that carbon comes from non-renewable sources such as bitumen and coal. In order to provide water security to in an efficient and affordable way, new methods or materials need to be devised to reduce the costs associated with water treatment and potentially ‘close the loop’ and re-use the waste products from this process in obtaining the next generation of materials.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Neutrinos for Non-Proliferation
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 11:26) Kneale, Elisabeth
    Technical paper presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Identifying the existence of a clandestine reactor in a complex nuclear landscape for nuclear threat reduction is challenging. WATCHMAN will demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of detecting the signal from a hidden reactor against the background of a second reactor. A kilotonne-scale detector to be built underground in the Boulby Mine in North Yorkshire, WATCHMAN will detect antineutrinos - the unshieldable by-product of radioactive decay in a nuclear reactor.A WATCHMAN-style detector could be used remotely as part of a non-proliferation agreement and WATCHMAN offers a unique opportunity to develop reactor antineutrino detection technology for non-proliferation and beyond.Such a detector will out of necessity operate at long range, often at the very limit of its sensitivity, and so minimising backgrounds is essential. Photomultipliers (PMTs) detect light from antineutrino interactions in the detector however accidental coincidences from the decay of radioactive isotopes in PMT glass mimic the antineutrino signal and are one of the principle sources of backgrounds for the experiment.This paper presents an analytical method for optimising the signal-to-background ratio in the experimental results and uses it to compare the relative benefits of different PMT types. It is found that while the optimal detector design uses 10” low radioactivity glass PMTs, the potentially stronger and more readily available 12” standard-glass PMTs can give comparable results due to the improvement in the precision with which we can identify exactly where in the detector an event has occurred. This result is sensitively dependent on the dark noise rate in the tubes due to its effect on reconstruction at lower energies
  • ItemOpen Access
    Assessment of Light Transport Through Human Anatomy
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 11:49) Kallepalli, Akhil
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Due to the non-contact and non-invasive nature, and ease of investigation, photonics and imaging have emerged as a preferred modality in a multitude of domains. Investigation of medical conditions and problems utilising these tools is a highly sought after domain of research and innovation due to the impact it would have in improving the quality of care for patients while reducing the workload of medical staff. In our research, we consider simulations for light transport and subsequently study experimental evidence from interactions with the light of different wavelengths. As the light interacts with a complex combination of skin and underlying anatomy, it is absorbed, reflected and scattered light in characteristic ways. Our primary interest lies in better understanding light transport through the human anatomy, which is a complex, multi-layered target. Specifically, we are investigating the interaction of infrared and red wavelengths in a non-contact and non-invasive method. We are also delving into multi-sensor and multi-platform information fusion for monitoring ‘health’, directed towards the point-of-care segments of health care.
  • ItemOpen Access
    X Ray Eyes: Seeing Through Walls Using Radar
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 10:39) Elgy, James
    Digital Image presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.This image represents current research into ground-based applications of radar imaging in a through-wall context. Utilising different measurement geometries and signal processing, the aim is to gather and disseminate low-frequency synthetic aperture radar data to identify building structure and content. This image shows volumetric synthetic aperture radar data gathered in a multistatic modality, i.e. where there are two independent receiving antennas, both on the far side of the wall. This is superimposed onto a photograph of the same area, showing good agreement between the visual and radar images. For clarity, the point cloud has been segmented into different regions, each given a separate colour. Red represents the two metal barrels, blue shows the desk area whilst green represents the wall signature.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Crystallite Interactions in Shock-compressed Columnar Polycrystals
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 12:00) Heighway, Patrick
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.The need for a fundamental understanding of the strength of materials that are deforming extremely rapidly under high stress has driven intense research efforts on both theoretical and experimental fronts. Recent advances in "ultrafast" x-ray imaging techniques have made it possible to track how a material evolves during the course of extreme deformation processes that might take place over the course of only a few nanoseconds: by carefully analysing the image formed by x-rays scattered from the sample, one can calculate how its constituent atoms are arranged and, with further analysis, infer how strong the material is. However, the form of the x-ray image depends not only on the strength of the material, but also on the manner in which the crystallites of which it is composed interact with each other during the deformation process. We have performed a study of the physics of crystallite interaction in a shock-compressed metal using multi-million atom simulations. Our study reveals that neighbouring crystallites in the wake of the shock can deform in a "cooperative" manner, in which one crystallite expands while the other contracts. We quantify the change in atomic arrangement effected by this cooperative deformation, and the amount of stress it relieves. We further find that cooperative deformation can actually replace ordinary deformation mechanisms at lower pressures, and activate new deformation mechanisms at higher pressures.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Diamond From the Sky
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 13:15) Corbett, Brandon
    Digital image presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.The image presented is an example of a high resolution airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) collection, covering a 1km x 0.6km area above the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, and includes the UK’s synchrotron Diamond Light Source. The data was collected using Airbus’ X-band quad-polarised SAR airborne platform. In total there were 55609 measurements along the aircraft trajectory, equating to 14GB of measurement data. This raw data was then processed into SAR imagery using parallel processing of the back-projection image formation algorithm using "Cranfield University"’s High Performance Computing facility. The image is a colour composite combining all 4 polarisations. Red represent the vertical polarisation (VV), green represents the horizontal polarisation (HH) and blue is the sum of the cross polarisations (VH and HV). The result is an extremely detailed 30000x18000 pixel SAR image. High resolution datasets like this aid in the development of new image formation and analysis algorithms and provide the user with a clean and clear reference to work with.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Facilitation of Trust in Automation: A Qualitative Study of Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Emerging Technology in Military Culture
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 12:21) Field, Megan
    Poster presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.New technologies, increased levels of automation and artificial intelligence is emerging and integrating into our lives at an ever-quickening pace, however how we respond to these changes are not as immediate. Furthermore, in high-criticality domains where integration of new technologies is mission and life critical, finding the underlying obstacles for mistrust, under-reliance and apprehension in adapting to these are incredibly important.To aid in the facilitation of new technologies in the military domain, the research seeks to explore attitudes and behaviours through narrative analysis of underlying expressions of trust in personnel associated with different echelons of the Forces, alongside civilians. This is to inquire into differing attitudes and whether the unique culture and subcultures of the military colour narratives towards emerging technology.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Trust in Automation: A Qualitative Study of Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Emerging Technology in Military Culture
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-27 14:51) Field, Megan
    Technical paper presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Trust is often explored as a determinant of appropriate automation usage and reliance. Despite the wealth of research into the antecedents, decision making and cognitive factors to facilitate human-automation interaction, internal factors that influence dispositional trust, are often underrepresented. High speciality and criticality domains characterise the most researched areas in this field, however, there are minimal studies exploring organisational culture, such as within the military, and their effect on trust in automation. The research seeks to explore the dominant narratives of differing echelons of the military (ground, air, surface and subsurface) through responsive interviewing and examining the unique culture borne of strong hierarchical order, regulations and training in parallel to civilians. Furthermore, within the larger scope, submarine culture is psychosocially distinctive due to the environmental constraints of active duty, such as the isolation and restrictions incurred by lengthy operational deployment. Due to this seclusion, submarine life is often distinct from other strata owing to the weight of human-human trust and kinship placed on the personnel over automated teammates (e.g., decision making software). The research plans to delve into the experiences of this idiosyncratic workforce and others to explore how service potentially alters their views and experience of human-automation/system interactions and whether underlying skepticisms, expertise or training play a part in their worldview.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Exploiting Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing to Reveal Concealed Building Features and Phenomena
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 13:15) Corbett, Brandon
    3MT presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.There has been an increased research interest in the techniques needed to exploit accurate remotely sensed data of the activities within buildings, closed/sealed areas, underground bunkers, etc. One example area which could be influenced by such research includes the detection of illegal or nefarious activities. Low frequency synthetic aperture radar (LF-SAR) can provide one such solution to this remote sensing problem. It has been shown that LF-SAR can be used to generate images of objects located behind a variety of mediums, including within buildings. However, the current literature shows that obtaining a clear picture of the structure and contents of buildings is difficult. It is well known that SAR imagery can be affected by various physical phenomena, which can produce a range of artefacts within the images. These artefacts can lead to confusion and difficulty in analysis, as they can be mistaken for targets. A vibrating scatterer is one such example, as it produces a paired echo signature in the SAR image. On the other hand, these phenomena are of particular interest for the detection of running machinery within a building. It has been shown that a vibrating scatterer can represent aspects of a running machine, e.g. a generator or fan. Therefore understanding the effects produced within a SAR image from a vibrating object behind a wall, could lead to the ability to identify and recognise running machinery within a building from a stand-off location. The intention of this research is to investigate these phenomena and the techniques required for imaging the interiors of buildings and to develop the necessary SAR tools and analysis methods required for extracting crucial intelligence information from this data.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Utilising Synthetic Aperture Radar Data-dome Collections for Building Feature Analysis
    (Cranfield University, 2018-11-15 13:15) Corbett, Brandon
    Technical paper presented at the 2018 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium.Low-frequency synthetic aperture radar (LF-SAR) is a remote sensing measurement technique that can aid in covert intelligence gathering capabilities for detecting concealed targets in building, and obscured phenomena in general. The Airbus Defence and Space Ltd LF-SAR data dome project has provided a coherently collected three-dimensional data set using airborne circular SAR (CSAR) trajectories, with the potential of providing volumetric SAR imagery of obscured regions inside buildings. Preliminary results of this collection are presented. Both the linear strip-map and CSAR datasets provided contain a great deal of information. Early results show promise, but have revealed the fundamental challenge with low-frequency remote sensing, that being the presence of radio-frequency interference, which reduces the quality of SAR image products.