This collection showcases outputs from the seventh Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium, hosted at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham by Cranfield University in association with AWE.

It is the only UK conference to provide research students and early career researchers in defence and security with an opportunity to present their work to a sector-wide audience. Covering both technology and social sciences research, contributions include technical papers, a 3MT (three minute thesis) competition, digital images and posters. In addition, there are plenary talks from thought-leaders, as well as opportunities to interact with industry, publishers and other employers of defence and security researchers.


Smith, Mandy (2021). 2021 Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium (DSDS21) hosted by Cranfield University in conjunction with DSTL and AWE: Symposium outputs. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Collection. https://doi.org/10.17862/cranfield.rd.c.5600316.v9
