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Item Open Access Aerodynamic and cost modelling for aircraft in a multi-disciplinary design context.(Cranfield University, 2015-12) Di Pasquale, Davide; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, Timoleon; Holden, CarrenA challenge for the scientific community is to adapt to and exploit the trend towards greater multidisciplinary focus in research and technology. This work is concerned with multi-disciplinary design for whole aircraft configuration, including aero performance and financial considerations jointly for an aircraft program. A Multi-Disciplinary (MD) approach is required to increase the robustness of the preliminary design data and to realise the overall aircraft performance objectives within the required timescales. A pre-requisite for such an approach is the existence of efficient and fully integrated processes. For this purpose an automatic aero high-speed analysis framework has been developed and integrated using a commercial integration/building environment. Starting from the geometry input, it automatically generates aero data for loads in a timescale consistent with level requirement, which can afterwards be integrated into the overall multi-disciplinary process. A 3D Aero-solution chain has been implemented as a high-speed aerodynamic evaluation capability, and although there is not yet a complementary fully automated Aerodynamic design process, two integrated systems to perform multi-objective optimisation have been developed using different optimisation approaches. In addition to achieving good aircraft performance, reducing cost may be essential for manufacturer survival in today's competitive market. There is thus a strong need to understand the cost associated with different competing concepts and this could be addressed by incorporating cost estimation in the design process along with other analyses to achieve economic and efficient aircraft. For this reason a pre-existing cost model has been examined, tested, improved, and new features added. Afterwards, the cost suite has been integrated using an integration framework and automatically linked with external domains, providing a capability to take input from other domain tool sets. In this way the cost model could be implemented in a multi-disciplinary process allowing a trade-off between weight, aero performance and cost. Additionally, studies have been performed that link aerodynamic characteristics with cost figures and reinforce the importance of considering aerodynamic, structural and cost disciplines simultaneously. The proposed work therefore offers a strong basis for further development. The modularity of the aero optimisation framework already allows the application of such techniques to real engineering test cases, and, in future, could be combined with the 3D aero solution chain developed. In order to further reduce design wall-clock time the present multi- level parallelisation could also be deployed within a more rapid multi-fidelity approach. Finally the 3D aero-solution chain could be improved by directly incorporating a module to generate aero data for performance, and linking this to the cost suite informed by the same geometrical variables.Item Open Access The Aerodynamic Effects of Runback Ice(Cranfield University, 2013-09-20) Parmar, Krishan; Savill, Mark A.The objectives of this PhD were to investigate the aerodynamic performance effects due to runback ice accretion with particular interest on the EASA 45 minute hold case in icing conditions. The sponsors, Airbus and Cranfield University collaboratively identified this aim as a result of the successful creation and capture of full-scale runback ice using the Cranfield Icing Tunnel. The hold phase represents typical icing conditions but with increasing demands on airports and subsequent knock-on effects to increased holding times has led to airliners paying more attention to this phase of flight. Typical icing conditions occur during the hold phrase of flight and place increasing demands on airports. A further challenge is that the EASA 45 minute hold case fails to take into account the large supercooled liquid droplets (SLD) when certifying the airplane. Published literature open to the public domain on flowfield interaction with realistic runback ice shapes, force coefficient losses and heat transfer interaction is limited. This is despite the fact that these parameters play a significant role in the examination of ice accretion. Inspection of the runback ice casting highlighted regions of two-dimensional features which were used for aerodynamic analysis. These high-fidelity two-dimensional runback ice shapes were utilised throughout this project. A single hex-core hybrid mesh from an ANSYS ICEMCFD script was designed and served the dual purpose of assisting the process of optimisation and validation. The numerical validation procedure analysed three separate studies with differing airfoils. The three studies examined were B737-700, B737- 200ADV and NACA 23012. The first two studies were in clean cruise configuration and the third simulated forward-facing quarter-round ridge ice. The experimental validation process investigated the drag associated for the three run back ice shapes. Tests were conducted in the atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel. A multi-objective Tabu Search optimiser was coupled with ANSYS FLUENT solver for investigations on ice location, shape optimisation using freeform deformation, vertical tail plane shape optimisation and leading edge heattransfer effects. The primary finding in relation to ice location optimisation was an observed sensitivity to chord location. Further exploration of this data identified two district characteristics for this sensitivity. These characteristics are the variation of run back ice height relative to the size of boundary layer thickness. More specifically, if the boundary layer thickness is smaller than the runback ice height, trends identified from this project are adhered to. However, if the boundary layer thickness is larger than the run back ice height, no visible trends are observed. The ice location study found optimum chord locations closer to the leading edge of the airfoil and sensitivity to small chord movements. The B737 shape study was conducted as a preliminary optimisation test to highlight best practices for shape optimisation using free-form deformation. The results showed more stringent requirements for geometrical constraint handling when dealing with shape optimisation. Small changes to the NACA vertical plane improved both clean and iced performance. This was attributed to the leading edge design producing a lower velocity around the airfoil. This was a highly constrained optimisation problem where improved results required an exhaustive and competent search mechanism. The MOTS code was best placed to conduct this search and was therefore used throughout this study. Anti-Icing optimisation incorporated heat transfer providing a more complete runback ice optimisation study. This more complete design comprised a multipoint optimisation code with three objectives and one variable; to minimise leading edge temperature output, maximise lift and minimise drag with variable heat input. The findings corroborate the results seen in the ice location optimisation study. The ice location study would benefit from an increased range of variability to observe the development of the trends found. Solver prediction capabilities for ice accretion studies would benefit from experimental data on roughness parameters associated with icing. The two-dimensional airfoil simulations would benefit from further CFD runs using three-dimensional swept wings. The Pareto-optimal designs are ideal candidates to compare the flowfield inadequacies alluded to by literature. As an interim study before threedimensional simulations are conducted, an extension to the cruise configuration airfoil study would be to deploy high-lift profiles. It would provide insight into ice accretion scaling methods by running a second NACA tail plane optimisation run using runback ice shapes scaled based on boundary layer thickness. Findings would provide invaluable information on the interaction of the two scaling methods with the boundary layer and how changes to flowfield characteristics effect force coefficients. Finally, further aerodynamic investigations with wind tunnel testing of representative full-scale runback ice shapes on a sectioned full-scale swept wing would be beneficial. This would complete the years of commitment and innovation by Cranfield University, sponsors and various students on the issue of ice accretion, particularly runback ice.Item Open Access Aircraft cost modelling, integrated in a multidisciplinary design context(Science Publishing Group, 2019-12-17) Di Pasquale, Davide; Gore, David; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, Timoleon; Holden, CarrenMost of the current cost models focus on a particular manufacturing process or a specific maintenance aspect, therefore not providing the whole picture. The main challenge in modelling the manufacturing cost, associated to a new aircraft at the initial design stage, is to examine all the cost features and the way to link them into the decision making process. It is important to understand the cost related to different competing designs, and this can be tackled by including cost estimation in the design process. Estimating the cost at the early design stage is paramount to reduce the life cycle cost of the aircraft. This paper presents the development of a new methodology for the generation of a cost estimation approach for preliminary aircraft design in a multidisciplinary environment. The framework is able to capture the design attributes that drive the cost allowing a designer to assess cost changes with respect to different design configurations. The cost model is built in Excel using a Visual Basic interface and it is integrated within Model Centre platform, where it can be treated as a component of a computational design process. The paper concludes by presenting the results from a real wing trade-off study that includes all the components of a complete design system.Item Open Access Assessing/Optimising Bio-fuel Combustion Technologies for Reducing Civil Aircraft Emissions(Cranfield University, 2012-12) Mazlan, Nurul Musfirah; Savill, Mark A.Gas turbines are extensively used in aviation because of their advantageous volume as weight characteristics. The objective of this project proposed was to look at advanced propulsion systems and the close coupling of the airframe with advanced prime mover cycles. The investigation encompassed a comparative assessment of traditional and novel prime mover options including the design, off-design, degraded performance of the engine and the environmental and economic analysis of the system. The originality of the work lies in the technical and economic optimisation of gas turbine based on current and novel cycles for a novel airframes application in a wide range of climatic conditions. The study has been designed mainly to develop a methodology for evaluating and optimising biofuel combustion technology in addressing the concerns related to over-dependence on crude oil (Jet-A) and the increase in pollution emissions. The main contributions of this work to existing knowledge are as follows: (i) development of a so-called greener-based methodology for assessing the potential of biofuels in reducing the dependency on conventional fuel and the amount of pollution emission generated, (ii) prediction of fuel spray characteristics as one of the major controlling factors regarding emissions, (iii) evaluation of engine performance and emission through the adaptation of a fuel’s properties into the in-house computer tools, (iv) development of optimisation work to obtain a trade-off between engine performance and emissions, and (v) development of CFD work to explore the practical issues related to the engine emission combustion modelling. Several tasks have been proposed. The first task concerns the comparative study of droplet lifetime and spray penetration of biofuels with Jet-A. In this task, the properties of the selected biofuels are implemented into the equations related to the evaporation process. Jatropha Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (JSPK), Camelina Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (CSPK), Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME) and Ethanol are used and are evaluated as pure fuel. Additionally, the mixture of 50% JSPK with 50% Jet-A are used to examine the effects ofblend fuel. Results revealed the effects of fuel volatility, density and viscosity on droplet lifetime and spray penetration. It is concluded that low volatile fuel has longer droplet lifetime while highly dense and viscous fuel penetrates longer. Regarding to the blending fuel, an increase in the percentage of JSPK in the blend reduces the droplet lifetime and length of the spray penetration. An assessment of the effect of JSPK and CSPK on engine performance and emissions also has been proposed. The evaluation is conducted for the civil aircraft engine flying at cruise and at constant mass flow condition. At both conditions results revealed relative increases in thrust as the percentage of biofuel in the mixture was increased, whilst a reduction in fuel flow during cruise was noted. The increase in engine thrust at both conditions was observed due to high LHV and heat capacity, while the reduction in fuel flow was found to correspond to the low density of the fuel. Regarding the engine emissions, reduction in NOx and CO was noted as the composition of biofuels in the mixture increased. This reduction is due to factors such as flame temperature, boiling temperature, density and volatility of the fuel. While at constant mass flow condition, increases in CO were noted due to the influence of low flame temperature which leads to the incompletion of oxidation of carbon atoms. Additionally, trade-off between engine thrust, NOx, and CO through the application of multi-objective genetic algorithm for the test case related to the fuel design has been proposed. The aim involves designing an optimal percentage of the biofuel/Jet-A mixture for maximum engine thrust and minimum engine emissions. The Pareto front obtained and the characteristics of the optimal fuel designs are examined. Definitive trades between the thrust and CO emissions and between thrust and NOx emissions are shown while little trade-off between NOx and CO emissions is noted. Furthermore, the practical issues related to the engine emissions combustion modelling have been evaluated. The effect of assumptions considered in HEPHAESTUS on the predicted temperature profile and NOx generation were explored. Finally, the future works regarding this research field are identified and discussed.Item Open Access Comparative analysis of alternative fuels in detonation combustion(AIAA, 2016-07-31) Azami, M. H.; Savill, Mark A.Detonation combustion prominently exhibits high thermodynamic efficiency which leads to better performance. As compared to the conventionally used isobaric heat addition in a Brayton cycle combustor, detonation uses a novel isochoric Humphrey cycle which utilises shocks and detonation waves to provide pressure-rise combustion. Such unsteady combustion has already been explored in wave rotor, pulse detonation engine and rotating detonation engine configurations as alternative technologies for the next generation of the aerospace propulsion systems. However, in addition to the better performance that the detonation mode of combustion offers, it is crucial to observe the environmental concerns as well. Therefore, this paper presents a one-dimensional numerical analysis for alternative fuels: Jet-A, Acetylene, Jatropha Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene, Camelina Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene, Algae Biofuel, and Microalgae Biofuel under detonation combustion conditions. For simplicity, the analysis is modelled using an open tube geometry. The analysis employs the Rankine-Hugoniot Equation, Rayleigh Line Equation, and Zel’dovich–von Neumann–Doering model and takes into account species mole, mass fraction, and enthalpies-of-formation of the reactants. Initially, minimum conditions for the detonation of each fuel are determined. Pressure, temperature, and density ratios at each stage of the combustion tube for different types of fuel are then explored systematically. Finally, the influence of different initial conditions is numerically examined to make a comparison for these fuels.Item Open Access Comparative study of alternative biofuels on aircraft engine performance(Sage, 2016-07-22) Azami, M. H.; Savill, Mark A.Aviation industries are vulnerable to the energy crisis and simultaneously posed environmental concerns. Proposed engine technology advancements could reduce the environmental impact and energy consumption. Substituting the source of jet fuel from fossil-based fuel to biomass-based fuel will help reduce emissions and minimize the energy crisis. The present paper addresses the analysis of aircraft engine performance in terms of thrust, fuel flow and specific fuel consumption at different mixing ratio percentages (20%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80%) of alternative biofuel blends already used in flight test (Algae biofuel, Camelina biofuel and Jatropha biofuel) at different flight conditions. In-house computer software codes, PYTHIA and TURBOMATCH, were used for the analysis and modeling of a three-shaft high-bypass-ratio engine which is similar to RB211-524. The engine model was verified and validated with open literature found in the test program of bio-synthetic paraffinic kerosene in commercial aircraft. The results indicated that lower heating value had a significant influence on thrust, fuel flow and specific fuel consumption at every flight condition and at all mixing ratio percentages. Wide lower heating value differences between two fuels give a large variation on the engine performances. Blended Kerosene–Jatropha biofuel and Kerosene–Camelina biofuel showed an improvement on gross thrust, net thrust, reduction of fuel flow and specific fuel consumption at every mixing ratio percentage and at different flight conditions. Moreover, the pure alternative of Jatropha biofuel and Camelina biofuel gave much better engine performances. This was not the case for the Kerosene–Algae blended biofuel. This study is a crucial step in understanding the influence of different blended alternative biofuels on the performance of aircraft engines.Item Open Access A comparison study of two multifidelity methods for aerodynamic optimization(Elsevier, 2019-11-29) Kontogiannis, Spyridon G.; Demange, Jean; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, TimoleonIndustrial aerodynamic design applications require multiobjective optimization tools able to provide design feedback to the engineers. This is true especially when optimization studies are carried out during the conceptual design stage. The need for fast optimization methods has led to the development of multifidelity methods in a surrogate based optimization environment. Multifidelity tools have the potential to accelerate the design process, primarily due to the lower cost associated with the low fidelity tool. In addition to this, the design stage is shortened as mature and reliable high fidelity design information is provided earlier in the design cycle. Despite this high potential of these methods, there is no explicit comparison available in the literature between multifidelity surrogate based optimization tools for industrial aerodynamic problems. This paper aims at providing a direct comparison between two multiobjective multifidelity surrogate based optimization methods developed by our group. The first approach uses a trust region formulation for efficient multiobjective that does not require gradients. The second is using the concept of expected improvement to perform fast design space exploration based on a novel Kriging modification for multifidelity data. The tools are applied in two aerodynamic design problems: optimization of a high lift configuration in respect to maximum lift maximization and an airfoil design for transonic cruising conditions. These problems feature characteristics of industrial interest. They involve difficult physical analyses in the case of the high lift configuration and a more complex optimization formulation due to the increased dimensionality in the case of the transonic airfoil. Our presented methods are compared against a CFD-based optimization, a surrogate based optimization using only high fidelity data and a multifidelity surrogate based optimization based on Co-Kriging. Early results suggest that the trust region method can quickly provide improved designs leading to an efficient Pareto front. The expected improvement based method shows fast exploration attributes and a wide Pareto front.Item Open Access Computational design for micro fluidic devices using lattice boltzmann and heuristic optimisation algorithms(Cranfield University, 2010-09) D'Ammaro, Antonio; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, TimoleonThe study on micro devices is gaining importance in various fields from biological to engineering. The dimensions of these devices range from millimetres (mm) to micrometres (μm) and they work within the laminar flow regime due to their low Reynolds number. Although diffusivity dictates the mixing in such conditions, this work is based on the simulation of two non reacting iso-thermal and incompressible fluids for both streams, so the mixing is governed only by turbulence. A numerical study using the Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is carried out in order to examine the mixing in one configuration. In the second part of the work an interface is developed between the LBM code and multi objective optimisation software in order to investigate new configurations which enhance the mixing. The objectives are to maximise the vorticity and minimise the pressure drop, which are conflicting between themselves. The tool that integrates the optimiser and the LBM code for simulating microreactor, can run on a multi level parallelisation, hence the time required for the whole simulation has been drastically reduced. A preliminary optimisation is performed on a microreactor with multi holed baffle plate. Despite small number of iterations, three totally different configurations have been found: greatest vorticity, smallest pressure drop and a compromise. The first two configurations satisfy the expectations, whereas the compromise solution presents an innovative configuration. In fact, it has a low pressure drop and a high vorticity, which is achievable by having high Reynolds number and big diameters of the holes. Hence, this tool proves to be robust and efficient in the multi objective optimisation of microreactor.Item Open Access Conceptual multidisciplinary design via a multi-objective multi-fidelity optimisation method.(2018-05) Kontogianis, Spyridon G.; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, TimoleonAir travel demand and the associated fuel emissions are expected to keep increasing in the following decades, forcing the aerospace industry to find ways to revolutionise the design process to achieve step-like performance improvements and emission reduction goals. A promising approach towards that goal is multidisciplinary design. To maximise the benefits, interdisciplinary synergies have to be investigated early in the design process. Efficient multidisciplinary optimisation tools are required to reliably identify a set of promising design directions to support engineering decision making towards the new generation of aircraft. To support these needs, a novel optimisation methodology is proposed aiming in exploiting multidisciplinary trends in the conceptual stage, exploring the design space and providing a pareto set of optimum configurations in the minimum cost possible. This is achieved by a combination of the expected improvement surrogate based optimisation plan, a novel Kriging modification to allow the use of multi-fidelity tools and a multi-objective sub-optimisation process infill formulation implemented within an multidisciplinary design optimisation architecture. A series of analytical test cases were initially used to develop the methodology and examine its performance under a set of criteria like global optimality, computational efficiency and dimensionality scaling. These were followed by two industrially relevant aerodynamic design cases, the RAE2822 transonic airfoil and the GARTEUR high lift configuration, investigating the effect of the constraint handling methods and the low fidelity tool. The cost reductions and exploration characteristics achieved by the method were quantified in realistic unconstrained, constrained and multi-objective problems. Finally, an aerostructural optimisation study of the NASA Common Research Model was used as a representative of a complex multidisciplinary design problem. The results demonstrate the framework’s capabilities in industrial problems, showing improved results and design space exploration but with lower costs than similarly oriented methods. The effect of the multidisciplinary architecture was also examined.Item Open Access The design of high lift aircraft configurations through multi-objective optimisation(Cranfield University, 2014-03) Trapani, Giuseppe; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, Timoleon; Soorosh, Saghiri; Tursi, StefanoAn approach is proposed in this work to support the preliminary design of High-Lift aircraft configurations through the use of Multi-Objective optimisation tech¬niques. For this purpose a framework is developed which collates a Free-Form De¬formation parametrisation technique, a number of Computational Fluid Dynamics suites of different fidelity levels, a rapid aero-structure coupling procedure and two multi-objective optimisation techniques, namely Multi-Objective Tabu Search and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II. The proposed optimisation framework is used for the execution of several design studies. Firstly, the deployment settings and elements' shape of the 2D multi-element GARTEUR A310 test case are optimised for take-off conditions. Consider¬able performance improvements are achieved using both the optimisation algorithms, though the sensitivity of the optimum designs to changes in operating conditions is highlighted. Therefore, a new optimisation set-up is proposed which successfully identifies operational robust designs. Secondly, the framework is extended to the optimisation of 3D geometries, using a Quasi-three-dimensional approach for the evaluation of the aerodynamic performance. The application to the deployment settings optimisation of the (DLF F11) KH3Y configuration illustrates that the method can be applied to more complicated real-world design cases. In particular, the deployment settings of slat and flaps (inboard and outboard segments) are suc¬cessfully optimised for landing conditions. Finally, a rapid aero-structure coupling procedure is implemented, in order to perform static aero-elastic analysis within the optimisation process. The KH3Y optimisation study is repeated including, this time, the effects of structural deformations. Different optima deployment settings are identified compared to the rigid case, illustrating that, despite being of reduced magnitude, wing deformations influence the optimum high-lift system settings. Furthermore, an industrial development and application of multi-objective opti-misation techniques is also presented. In the proposed approach, a reduced order model based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition methods is used in an offline-online optimisation strategy. The results of the optimisation process for the RAE2822 single-element aerofoil and for the GARTEUR A310 multi-element aerofoil illustrate the potential of the method, as well as its limitations. The technical analysis is com-pleted with a description of the Agile project management approach used to run the project. Finally, future work directions have been identified and recommended.Item Open Access Effects of biofuels properties on aircraft engine performance(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2015-05-31) Mazlan, Nurul Musfirah; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, TimoleonPurpose-The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of heat capacity and density of biofuels on aircraft engine performance indicated by thrust and fuel consumption. Design/methodology/approach-The influence of heat capacity and density was examined by simulating biofuels in a two-spool high-bypass turbofan engine running at cruise condition using a Cranfield in-house engine performance computer tool (PYTHIA). The effect of heat capacity and density on engine performance was evaluated through a comparison between kerosene and biofuels. Two types of biofuels were considered: Jatropha Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (JSPK) and Camelina Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (CSPK). Findings-Results show an increase in engine thrust and a reduction in fuel consumption as the percentage of biofuel in the kerosene/biofuel mixture increases. Besides a low heating value, an effect of heat capacity on increasing engine thrust and an effect of density on reducing engine fuel consumption are observed. Practical implications-The utilisation of biofuel in aircraft engines may result in reducing over-dependency on crude oil. Originality/value-This paper observes secondary factors (heat capacity and density) that may influence aircraft engine performance which should be taken into consideration when selecting new fuel for new engine designs.Item Open Access Electrical power grid network optimisation by evolutionary computing(Elsevier, 2014-06-06) Oliver, John M.; Kipouros, Timoleon; Savill, Mark A.A major factor in the consideration of an electrical power network of the scale of a national grid is the calculation of power flow and in particular, optimal power flow. This paper considers such a network, in which distributed generation is used, and examines how the network can be optimized, in terms of transmission line capacity, in order to obtain optimal or at least high-performing configurations, using multi-objective optimisation by evolutionary computing methods.Item Open Access Engine exhaust plume mixing simulations for minimizing environmental emissions impact(Cranfield University, 2013-10) Spanelis, Apostolos; Savill, Mark A.Local air quality is one of several issues constraining the development of air- ports. Ongoing research shows that takeoff contributes considerably to the level of near airport pollution. Installation of a wind-brake system behind the runway threshold has been recently proposed as a way to accelerate natural lift-off of the exhaust plumes. This thesis aims to validate large eddy simulations (LES) for the numerical investigation of this problem, and contribute to a joint effort towards the installation of baffles in major airports. Ways to limit the enormous cost of such simulations are suggested, and methods to reduce the problem complexity are established by means of parametric analyses and staged cross-validations. In particular, wall-jet simulations are performed alongside wind-tunnel experiments. Results reveal that LES accurately predicts the baffle induced drag force, as well as scalar dispersion. One source of weakness in this study is the level of accu- racy of the numerical representation of the wind tunnel boundary layer. Lift-off of the plume was not observed within the investigated range (380 nozzle diam- eters), neither in the absence of baffles, nor in the presence of the basic baffle arrangement. Certain geometrical modifications, however, have shifted the onset of lift-off upstream enough, so that it is identified by the streamwise evolution of mean flow characteristics. An additional achievement of this work was to devise and validate a dynamic response algebraic model for the representation of the baffles in the flow. The established numerical approach, together with the baf- fle representation model is promising for the numerical investigation of the real scale situation at longer distances, up to 2000 nozzle diameters. This thesis sets a strong basis for the continuation of the research, adding to a growing body of literature regarding local air quality around airports.Item Open Access Exploring smart grid possibilities: a complex systems modelling approach(De Gruyter Open, 2015-08-26) Rylatt, R. Mark; Snape, J. Richard; Allen, Peter M.; Ardestani, Babak M.; Boait, Ekkehard; Fan, Denis; Fletcher, Graham; Gammon, Rupert; Lemon, Mark; Pakka, Vijay; Rynikiewicz, Christophe; Savill, Mark A.; Smith, Stefan; Strathern, M.; Varga, LizSmart grid research has tended to be compartmentalised, with notable contributions from economics, electrical engineering and science and technology studies. However, there is an acknowledged and growing need for an integrated systems approach to the evaluation of smart grid initiatives. The capacity to simulate and explore smart grid possibilities on various scales is key to such an integrated approach but existing models – even if multidisciplinary – tend to have a limited focus. This paper describes an innovative and flexible framework that has been developed to facilitate the simulation of various smart grid scenarios and the interconnected social, technical and economic networks from a complex systems perspective. The architecture is described and related to realised examples of its use, both to model the electricity system as it is today and to model futures that have been envisioned in the literature. Potential future applications of the framework are explored, along with its utility as an analytic and decision support tool for smart grid stakeholders.Item Open Access External Intermittency Simulation in Turbulent Round Jets(Springer Science Business Media, 2012-09-30T00:00:00Z) Gilliland, T.; Ranga Dinesh, K. K. J.; Fairweather, M.; Falle, S. A. E. G.; Jenkins, Karl W.; Savill, Mark A.Abstract to study passive scalar mixing and intermittency in turbulent round jets. Both simulation techniques are applied to the case of a low Reynolds number jet with Re between time-averaged results for the scalar field of the low Re case demonstrate reasonable agreement between the DNS and LES, and with experimental data and the predictions of other authors. Scalar probability density functions (pdfs) for this jet derived from the simulations are also in reasonable accord, although the DNS results demonstrate the more rapid influence of scalar intermittency with radial distance in the jet. This is reflected in derived intermittency profiles, with LES generally giving profiles that are too broad compared to equivalent DNS results, with too low a rate of decay with radial distance. In contrast, good agreement is in general found between LES predictions and experimental data for the mixing field, scalar pdfs and external intermittency in the high Reynolds number jet. Overall, the work described indicates that improved sub-grid scale modelling for use with LES may be beneficialDirect numerical and large eddy simulation (DNS and LES) are applied= 2,400, whilst LES is also used to predict a high Re = 68,000 flow. ComparisonItem Open Access A generalized methodology for multidisciplinary design optimization using surrogate modelling and multifidelity analysis(Springer, 2020-05-18) Kontogiannis, Spyridon G.; Savill, Mark A.The advantages of multidisciplinary design are well understood, but not yet fully adopted by the industry where methods should be both fast and reliable. For such problems, minimum computational cost while providing global optimality and extensive design information at an early conceptual stage is desired. However, such a complex problem consisting of various objectives and interacting disciplines is associated with a challenging design space. This provides a large pool of possible designs, requiring an efficient exploration scheme with the ability to provide sufficient feedback early in the design process. This paper demonstrates a generalized optimization framework with rapid design space exploration capabilities in which a Multifidelity approach is directly adjusted to the emerging needs of the design. The methodology is developed to be easily applicable and efficient in computationally expensive multidisciplinary problems. To accelerate such a demanding process, Surrogate Based Optimization methods in the form of both Radial Basis Function and Kriging models are employed. In particular, a modification of the standard Kriging approach to account for Multifidelity data inputs is proposed, aiming to increasing its accuracy without increasing its training cost. The surrogate optimization problem is solved by a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm and two constraint handling methods are implemented. The surrogate model modifications are visually demonstrated in a 1D and 2D test case, while the Rosenbrock and Sellar functions are used to examine the scalability and adaptability behaviour of the method. Our particular Multiobjective formulation is demonstrated in the common RAE2822 airfoil design problem. In this paper, the framework assessment focuses on our infill sampling approach in terms of design and objective space exploration for a given computational costItem Open Access Generating minimal Pareto sets in multi-objective topology optimisation: an application to the wing box structural layout(Springer, 2020-10-26) Crescenti, Fabio; Kipouros, Timoleon; Munk, David J.; Savill, Mark A.Multi-objective topology optimisation problems are often tackled by compromising the cost functions according to the designer’s knowledge. Such an approach however has clear limitations and usually requires information which especially at the preliminary design stage could be unavailable. This paper proposes an alternative multi-objective approach for the generation of minimal Pareto sets in combination with density-based topology optimisation. Optimised solutions are generated integrating a recently revised method for a posteriori articulation of preferences with the Method of Moving Asymptotes. The methodology is first tested on an academic two-dimensional structure and eventually employed to optimise a full-scale aerospace structure with the support of the commercial software Altair OptiStructⓇ. For the academic benchmark, the optimised layouts with respect to static and dynamic objectives are visualised on the Pareto frontier and reported with the corresponding density distribution. Results show a progressive and consistent transition between the two extreme single-objective layouts and confirm that the minimum number of evaluations was required to fill the smart Pareto front. The multi-objective strategy is then coupled with Altair OptiStruct and used to optimise a full-scale wing box, with the clear purpose to fill a gap in multi-objective topology optimisation applied to the wing primary structure. The proposed methodology proved that it can generate efficiently non-dominated optimised configurations, at a computational cost that is mainly driven by the model complexity. This strategy is particularly indicated for the preliminary design phase, as it releases the designer from the burden to assign preferences. Furthermore, the ease of integration into a commercial design tool makes it available for industrial applications.Item Open Access Insight into high-quality aerodynamic design spaces through multi-objective optimization(Tech Science Press, 2008-01-01T00:00:00Z) Kipouros, Timoleon; Jaeggi, Daniel; Dawes, Bill; Parks, Geoff; Savill, Mark A.; Clarkson, P. J.An approach to support the computational aerodynamic design process is presented and demonstrated through the application of a novel multi-objective variant of the Tabu Search optimization algorithm for continuous problems to the aerodynamic design optimization of turbomachinery blades. The aim is to improve the performance of a specific stage and ultimately of the whole engine. The integrated system developed for this purpose is described. This combines the optimizer with an existing geometry parameterization scheme and a well- established CFD package. The system’s performance is illustrated through case studies – one two-dimensional, one three-dimensional – in which flow characteristics important to the overall performance of turbomachinery blades are optimized. By showing the designer the trade-off surfaces between the competing objectives, this approach provides considerable insight into the design space under consideration and presents the designer with a range of different Pareto-optimal designs for further consideration. Special emphasis is given to the dimensionality in objective function space of the optimization problem, which seeks designs that perform well for a range of flow performance metrics. The resulting compressor blades achieve their high performance by exploiting complicated physical mechanisms successfully identified through the design process. The system can readily be run on parallel computers, substantially reducing wall-clock run times – a significant benefit when tackling computationally demanding design problems. Overall optimal performance is offered by compromise designs on the Pareto trade-off surface revealed through a true multi-objective design optimization test case. Bearing in mind the continuing rapid advances in computing power and the benefits discussed, this approach brings the adoption of such techniques in real-world engineering design practice a stepItem Open Access Integrated system to perform surrogate based aerodynamic optimisation for high-lift airfoil(EngOpt, 2016-06-23) Di Pasquale, Davide; Zhu, F.; Cross, M.; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, TimoleonThis work deals with the aerodynamics optimisation of a generic two-dimensional three element high-lift configuration. Although the high-lift system is applied only during take-off and landing in the low speed phase of the flight the cost efficiency of the airplane is strongly influenced by it [1]. The ultimate goal of an aircraft high lift system design team is to define the simplest configuration which, for prescribed constraints, will meet the take-off, climb, and landing requirements usually expressed in terms of maximum L/D and/or maximum CL. The ability of the calculation method to accurately predict changes in objective function value when gaps, overlaps and element deflections are varied is therefore critical. Despite advances in computer capacity, the enormous computational cost of running complex engineering simulations makes it impractical to rely exclusively on simulation for the purpose of design optimisation. To cut down the cost, surrogate models, also known as metamodels, are constructed from and then used in place of the actual simulation models. This work outlines the development of integrated systems to perform aerodynamics multi-objective optimisation for a three-element airfoil test case in high lift configuration, making use of surrogate models available in MACROS Generic Tools, which has been integrated in our design tool. Different metamodeling techniques have been compared based on multiple performance criteria. With MACROS is possible performing either optimisation of the model built with predefined training sample (GSO) or Iterative Surrogate-Based Optimization (SBO). In this first case the model is build independent from the optimisation and then use it as a black box in the optimisation process. In the second case is needed to provide the possibility to call CFD code from the optimisation process, and there is no need to build any model, it is being built internally during the optimisation process. Both approaches have been applied. A detailed analysis of the integrated design system, the methods as well as theItem Open Access Interactive optimisation for high-lift design.(2018-10) Balasani, Myrtle Julia; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, Timoleon; Savvaris, AlInteractivity always involves two entities; one of them by default is a human user. The specialised subject of human factors is introduced in the context of computational aerodynamics and optimisation, specifically a high-lift aerofoil. The trial and error nature of a design process hinges on designer’s knowledge, skill and intuition. A basic, important assumption of a man-machine system is that in solving a problem, there are some steps in which the computer has an advantageous edge while in other steps a human has dominance. Computational technologies are now an indispensable part of aerospace technology; algorithms involving significant user interaction, either during the process of generating solutions or as a component of post-optimisation evaluation where human decision making is involved are increasingly becoming popular, multi-objective particle swarm is one such optimiser. Several design optimisation problems in engineering are by nature multi-objective; the interest of a designer lies in simultaneous optimisation against two or more objectives which are usually in conflict. Interactive optimisation allows the designer to understand trade-offs between various objectives, and is generally used as a tool for decision making. The solution to a multi-objective problem, one where betterment in one objective occurs over the deterioration of at least one other objective is called a Pareto set. There are multiple solutions to a problem and multiple betterment ideas to an already existing design. The final responsibility of identifying an optimal solution or idea rests on the design engineers and decision making is done based on quantitative metrics, displayed as numbers or graphs. However, visualisation, ergonomics and human factors influence and impact this decision making process. A visual, graphical depiction of the Pareto front is oftentimes used as a design aid tool for purposes of decision making with chances of errors and fallacies fundamentally existing in engineering design. An effective visualisation tool benefits complex engineering analyses by providing the decision-maker with a good imagery of the most important information. Two high-lift aerofoil data-sets have been used as test-case examples; a multi-element solver, an optimiser based on swarm intelligence technique, and visual techniques which include parallel co-ordinates, heat map, scatter plot, self-organising map and radial coordinate visualisation comprise the module. Factors that affect optima and various evaluation criteria have been studied in light of the human user. This research enquires into interactive optimisation by adapting three interactive approaches: information trade-off, reference point and classification, and investigates selected visualisation techniques which act as chief aids in the context of high-lift design trade studies. Human-in-the-loop engineering, man-machine interaction & interface along with influencing factors, reliability, validation and verification in the presence of design uncertainty are considered. The research structure, choice of optimiser and visual aids adapted in this work are influenced by and streamlined to fit with the parallel on-going development work on Airbus’ Python based tool. Results, analysis, together with literature survey are presented in this report. The words human, user, engineer, aerodynamicist, designer, analyst and decision-maker/ DM are synonymous, and are used interchangeably in this research. In a virtual engineering setting, for an efficient interactive optimisation task, a suitable visualisation tool is a crucial prerequisite. Various optimisation design tools & methods are most useful when combined with a human engineer's insight is the underlying premise of this work; questions such as why, what, how might help aid aeronautical technical innovation.
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