% readme.txt % % MATLAB files and routines to generate figures and some results of paper % "The Effect of Rotor Tilt on the Stability and Gust Rejection Properties % of VTOL Multirotor Aircraft" % by James Whidborne Arthur Mendez and Alastair Cooke submitted to % .... % % Scripts % ------- % MultiRotorGust.m - Main routine - run this script to generate all figures % Section2.m - Rotor Aerodynamic Modelling % Section3.m - PVTOL Equations of Motion - Trim % Section4.m - Linear Analysis % Section5.m - PVTOL Linear control % Section6.m - Quadrotor Gust Response % % Functions % --------- % Coefficients.m - Defines the rotor and airframe coefficents for PVTOL % and Quadrotor % LinearizeAB.m - Obtains a state space linear model from a nonlinear % state space model using a finite difference method % RotorC.m - Returns rotor thrust and drag coefficients % RotorCH.m - Returns rotor drag coefficients % RotorCQ.m - Returns rotor blade torque coefficient % RotorCHQ.m - Returns rotor drag and torque coefficients % RotorCT.m - Returns rotor thrust coefficient % ThrustDragMap.m - Produces Rotor thrust, drag, and blade torque maps % PvtolDynamics.m - Returns state derivatives for model of planar VTOL % birotor dynamics % PvtolSim.m - Returns state derivatives for controlled PVTOL Birotor % PvtolTrim.m - Calculate trim residual for PVTOL birotor % PvtolTrimLin.m - Trim and linearize PVTOL birotor dynamics model % QuadrotorDynamics.m - Returns state derivatives for model of quadrotor % dynamics % QuadrotorSim.m - Returns state derivatives for controlled quadrotor % QuadrotorTrim.m - Calculate trim residual for quadrotor % QuadrotorTrimLin.m - Trim and linearize quadrotor dynamics % Utilities % --------- % save_pdf.m - Save figure h in filename as pdf % %========================================================================== % % Dynamics Simulation and Control Group % (c) 2020 Cranfield University, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom % %========================================================================== % Author: James F Whidborne 20 August 2020 %==========================================================================