calib-data-fig5 description: Calibration data; speckle shifts measured for applied angles of constant magnitude and varying direction. calib-data-fig5 datasets: Ax, Ay - measured speckle shifts, mm dirs, mags - applied angles in terms of direction and magnitude, deg las-data-fig7 description: Laser stability analysis data; 10,000 spectra recorded at 0.5s intervals over 2.5hrs. las-data-fig7 datasets: x_wl - wavelengths (x-axis), nm ys_pws - power at each wavelength (y-axis), mW res-data-figs689 description: Raw (before any processing) angle data from sensor; angles recorded for a grid of [between +/-0.25deg in x and y, 0.05deg steps], for 100 repeats. res-data-figs689 datasets: tx_app, ty_app - applied theta_x and theta_y, deg tx_meas, ty_meas - measured theta_x and theta_y, deg