Hennigs, JanRavndal, Kristin T.Parker, AlisonCollins, MattJiang, YingKolios, Athanasios J.McAdam, EwanWilliams, LeonTyrrel, Sean F.2020-09-072020-09-072020-08-23Hennigs J, Ravndal KT, Parker A, et al., (2020) Faeces - Urine separation via settling and displacement: Prototype tests for a novel non-sewered sanitation system. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 753, January 2021, Article number 1418810048-9697https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141881http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/15766The development of novel, non-sewered sanitation systems like the Nano Membrane Toilet requires thorough investigation of processes that may seem well-understood. For example, unlike the settling of primary sludge, the separation of solids from liquids in a small-volume container at the scale of a household toilet has not been studied before. In two sets of experiments, the settling of real faeces and toilet paper in settling columns and the settling of synthetic faeces in a conical tank are investigated to understand the factors affecting the liquid quality for downstream treatment processes. Toilet paper is found to be a major inhibitor to settling of solids. While a lower overflow point results in better phase separation through displacement of liquid, a higher overflow point and frequent removal of solids may be more advantageous for the liquid qualityenAttribution 4.0 InternationalDOEPrototypingTestingFaeces - Urine separation via settling and displacement: Prototype tests for a novel non-sewered sanitation systemArticle28016346