Raffield, ThomasHerben, MartinBillington, StephenLonghurst, Philip J.Pollard, Simon J. T.2011-09-292011-09-292007-06-01Thomas Raffield, Martin Herben, Stephen Billington, Phil Longhurst and Simon Pollard. Coupling Hidden Flows and Waste Generation for Enhanced Materials Flow Accounting Communications in waste and resource management, Communications in waste and resource management, Vol.8(1), 2007, p.12-181754-5714http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/2541We present an adaptation of an existing materials flow model to account for waste flows in the domestic environment. The revised approach offers added functionality for economic parameters that influence waste production and disposal. Hypothetical waste and resource management futures illustrate the utility of model. A sensitivity analysis confirms that imports, domestic extraction and their associated hidden flows impact mostly on wastes generation. The model offers enhanced utility for policy and decision makers with regard to economic mass balance and strategic waste flows.Resource managementmaterial flowmodellingaccountingwasteCoupling Hidden Flows and Waste Generation for Enhanced Materials Flow AccountingArticle