Abir, JonathanMorantz, PaulLongo, StefanoShore, Paul2016-12-092016-12-092016-11-10Abir J, Morantz P, Longo S, Shore P, A novel accelerometer based feedback concept for improving machine dynamic performance. IFAC-Papers Online, Volume 49, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 553–5582405-8963http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.660https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/11128Small size ultra-precision Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines require high dynamic performance. Flexible frame phenomena can limit the machine dynamic performance, particularly in small size machines. A novel accelerometer based feedback concept for improving machine dynamic performance was developed and realised, a virtual metrology frame. It expends the limited techniques for improving dynamic performance of a small size machine by measuring the flexible frame displacement, and feeding it into the controller. The concept was implemented in a simplified linear motion system, and showed a 12dB reduction in the magnitude of the first resonance in the plant frequency response function. This allowed improving the servo bandwidth by 58% based on a PID controller. A new technique for real-time dynamic displacement measurements using accelerometer was developed. It shows a low sensor noise σ<30 nm; thus, accelerometers are used as a displacement sensor in a control system.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAccelerometersCNCdigital filterflexible framenoiseultra-precisionvirtual metrology frameA novel accelerometer based feedback concept for improving machine dynamic performanceArticle